Ganso New Tantan-men Hompo - Nakanotani en Yokohama

JapónGanso New Tantan-men Hompo - Nakanotani



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3-chōme-1-16 Hiyoshi, Kohoku Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 223-0061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 45-561-9002
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.55729, Longitude: 139.6497231

comentarios 5

  • かなかななかなか



    I visited him for the first time in 3 years. (I went there several times, but the line was so long that I gave up on entering) I visited on a Saturday after 6pm, but it was so busy that there wasn't much traffic. Also, there were many people with small children, so if you don't like loud noises, it might be a good idea to go on weekdays. (The taste is delicious)

  • きゅうきゅう



    The taste of New Tantanmen varies slightly depending on the store, but the Nakanotani store's seasoning is similar to the Kyomachi store, and the noodles are firm, making it the best among the isogen types.

  • T K

    T K


    New tantanmen is said to be the soul food of Kawasaki citizens. This Hiyoshi store is an unusual restaurant where you can eat ramen and yakiniku. When I came to the store, I ate tantanmen, but I have never had yakiniku. Tantanmen is consistently delicious! Normal spiciness isn't enough, so either very spicy or super spicy is just the right amount of spiciness (the photo shows super spicy). It's not as spicy as it looks; it's actually just the right amount of spiciness.

  • Luis Pusewey

    Luis Pusewey


    Pretty nice location if you want to sit at a group table while eating ramen. We all ordered the house specialty and all of us were happy. Spice level can be chosen! Staff was super friendly and helpful!

  • AR Kowalchuk

    AR Kowalchuk


    The tan tan men was pretty good. My wife and I would probably dine here again.

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