新岩城菓子舗 en Kawasaki




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1-chōme-1-番地 Minamisaiwaichō, Saiwai Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 212-0016, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 44-522-2721
sitio web: shiniwaki.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5364219, Longitude: 139.6917571

comentarios 5

  • CHIGURA 5963

    CHIGURA 5963


    I visited him for the first time in about 20 years. Last time I visited, I received sakuramochi and other items. This time I visited on a Saturday before noon, and I was surprised to see so many customers. It wasn't as long as there were lines, but there was a continuous stream of visitors. The Daifuku and Asayayaki Dorayaki were already sold out, but there was a wide variety of them to choose from, not just Japanese sweets. All of them had a strong, strong flavor that was satisfying to eat and soaked up my tired body. Credit cards cannot be used for payment, only cash and PayPay.

  • 梅村征敏



    I went to Shiniwajo Confectionery through a friend's introduction. First of all, morning gong! This product is said to be baked every morning, and its fluffy texture is irresistible. More Kawasaki potatoes! This is also a popular product and has a long shelf life, so it would make a great gift. And my personal No. 1 is Azuki Bata Sandwich! It had just the right amount of sweetness and was exquisite! ! I was in the store for about 20 minutes in the evening, and during that time there were 5 to 6 groups of customers. It's definitely a popular shop ^^. Thank you for your introduction. ・Shop name: Shiniwajo Confectionery ・Recommended use: Takeout, alone, family ・This price: 890 yen

  • M S

    M S


    I stopped by while running some errands. Buy 1,2,3, which is popular at the store. First, I tried the Kawasaki tofu, which I didn't particularly like. I was surprised at the first bite. It's a sweet made with egg whites, but it's like a cake sponge. I'm also looking forward to the morning drama and Kawasaki potato.

  • sabadivingstudio



    The landlady is a very nice person and it's a lot of fun to talk to her. I had Kuzu ice on the spot and bought tomato daifuku and Kawasaki potatoes to take home, both of which were delicious. It seems like this shop is well known among cyclists.

  • Aki



    I've always wanted to visit a Japanese sweets shop ever since I moved to Kawasaki. I finally visited the other day. I checked the reviews and bought Asadora, Strawberry Daifuku, Kawasaki Potato, and Risshun Daifuku (the names may be different💦). I learned from word of mouth that the price of strawberry daifuku changes depending on the size of the strawberries purchased, but on this day it was 500 yen❗️I was satisfied with the price, Since I'm on a diet, I'm limiting sweets to one day a week as much as possible, so if I don't eat them now, I won't know when I'll be able to eat them next...I pushed myself to buy this😅 In the end, I made the right decision to buy it~❣️The sourness of the strawberries, the refreshing and smooth sweetness of the bean paste, and the exquisite softness of the rice cake😍It's quite a price, but I'm excited to treat myself once in a while😊 It's a complete meal in two mouths😅 We recommend filling your mouth and enjoying the fusion of all the flavors. And the unexpected discovery❗️ was Kawasaki potatoes. Not just a sweet potato-like feeling 😲 Cheese in the middle? Yogurt? Something small. This has a nice taste ❗️ It's not cheap, but I'll give this as a souvenir the next time I go home 😊 First of all, I'm going to surprise my golf friends who like sweets with a treat 😊❤️

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