Sada Hospital en Fukuoka

JapónSada Hospital



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-4-28 Watanabedōri, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-781-6381
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5823528, Longitude: 130.4031002

comentarios 5

  • なつこ



    Although it was my first visit, the reception counters were clearly separated and I was able to check in smoothly. The patient went to the hospital with abdominal pain and fever, so he was examined by a gastroenterologist. The doctor who took care of me explained the disease in a very easy-to-understand manner and answered all my questions thoroughly, so I felt I could trust him very much. I had to be admitted to the hospital in a hurry, but the nurses treated me very well, and I am glad I chose this hospital.

  • 末松勉



    As expected, the number one gallbladder removal surgery in the country. The official name is laparoscopic cholecystectomy. At the beginning of November, I had an ultrasound done on my abdomen at the internal medicine clinic I always go to, and it showed that the gallstones were about 2 cm in size, so I might start to feel pain, so after 10 days, I heard that Sada Hospital was a good option, so I consulted with the doctor at the internal medicine clinic again. I had the hospital write me a letter of introduction and had the surgery in December. It took 6 days from admission to discharge. As expected, it was ranked No. 1. The staff was also used to it, so it was a good surgery. There was almost no pain ☺️

  • Ruth Mulandi

    Ruth Mulandi


    I had a really good experience at Sada Hospital. The nurses have been so kind and the doctors as well. I had a very complicated gallbladder surgery and they have taken care of me very well.I had minimal pain and I was off painkillers by the fourth day. I highly recommend this hospital even for foreigners.

  • Gurung SantoC うさぎ

    Gurung SantoC うさぎ


    Good hospital for foreigner also

  • Aling Liza Yamamoto

    Aling Liza Yamamoto


    The best hospital if you have gallstone 😊Dr.Sada Is a specialist doctor 😘I was afraid in the first place because of the reviews I read in the net but the negative ones are all opposites😊The Sada Hospital doctors ,nurses and all staff are very caring and respectful and I feel at home while I was in the hospital😊The hospital building though little bit old outside but it’s very clean ❤️Foods are delicious 🤤 I salute the expertise of Dr.Sada ❤️I feel fine now and I recover my energy easily 😊Thank you so much Sada Hospital for taking care of me 😊I highly recommended this hospital ❤️I was just discharged from Hospital 3 days ago 😊I’m very happy and satisfied of their services❤️Once again thank you very much Sada Hospital 🙏😊

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