Fuji to Kawasemi en Kurashiki

JapónFuji to Kawasemi



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1-chōme-1-20 Tsurugata, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0056, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-441-2525
sitio web: retty.me
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.600244, Longitude: 133.7692694

comentarios 5

  • Jwpd ajtpm

    Jwpd ajtpm


    It is located on the edge of the Bikan Historical Quarter. The store looks like a high-end store in Kyoto and is very nice. The highlight here is the hot pot with meat arranged around it. Since we went with a large group, we had a half-and-half course of all-you-can-drink, steamed pork hotpot, and beef hotpot, and split the soup stock into miso and white soup stock. Miso is popular! The majority also said that pork tasted better than beef.

  • りん



    I ordered a 10,000 yen course, but the price and quality were not worth it. I additionally ordered shrimp tempura and oyster rice, which were delicious, but when I ordered crab, which costs 3,000 yen, I received 4 pieces, about 10 cm in size, and the most important crab was overcooked. It is almost impossible to eat because the flesh and shell stick together and cannot be removed. I really can't believe it. I won't go again.

  • 福太郎



    Apparently the owners have changed and this is my first visit since then. The building and atmosphere are very nice I like old buildings, and I like the atmosphere of the store. I think the food is delicious as well. I didn't try the meat hot pot (?), which is a big deal, but I guess it's an expensive izakaya. If you want to get a bottle that you keep...if it's at the counter, you might have the store make it for you. However, I didn't like the idea of ​​having one cup made for me in a private room. When I asked for a set so I could mix hot water, a cup with hot water was provided. Even though the first hot water I ordered just came out... This makes me laugh bitterly Food and atmosphere are important, but I would like to see a little more attention to the way alcohol is served.

  • Masako Tsutano

    Masako Tsutano


    Visited with a reservation on April 7, 2023 at 19:00. I used it for a company celebration. This is a course with all-you-can-drink for 8,500 yen. Anyway, it looked like it was a busy day. So, even though I had an all-you-can-drink plan, it never came. What's more, there are bubbles about half of the way through. It's all-you-can-drink, so you can just order again, but I feel like you should be careful because the places that say that kind of thing are doing it in a decent-sized restaurant. The food was delicious. The Kurashiki cooked meat is of a quality that makes me want to bring my friends from outside the prefecture when they visit. I thought it was really good that they used plenty of yellow chives, which are unique to Okayama. However, the customer service is really bad. It's like a third-rate izakaya. That's why I think there is a huge difference in the atmosphere of the store and the customer service. Wouldn't this happen if it was a free weekday instead of a busy weekend? I don't know if it has something to do with Kappo Yamabe before it became Fuji and Kawasemi (by the way, when I asked the girl at the shop, who was Yamabe?), so I guess it's not related. ?) The previous store was a store that could be used for entertaining customers, but this one cannot be used for entertaining customers. And it's a little expensive for everyday use. I thought it was a shame because the atmosphere of the store was so nice. It was a feast.

  • Yim Anthony

    Yim Anthony


    Good food and selection of sake

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