Kamogata Chaya en Kurashiki

JapónKamogata Chaya



🕗 horarios

302 Hirata, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0003, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-425-8808
sitio web: www.kamogata.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6166479, Longitude: 133.7757189

comentarios 5

  • pine 16

    pine 16


    I received a special seafood bowl. It was delicious, voluminous, and satisfying. I've also had soba noodles, and they were delicious.

  • モリクミ



    My daughter is allergic to buckwheat. Since udon and soba are boiled in the same pot, she boiled the udon in a separate pot. Tempura is crispy. Everything was delicious.

  • Heze A

    Heze A


    Incredible food and affordable at that! Their sushi was great!

  • c x

    c x


    20230705 Kamogata Japanese style meal Arashiyama Gozen I received it. Both the tempura and sushi were delicious. ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー Enjoy Japanese food in peace The tempura is crispy and the sushi is fresh and delicious. If adults and children can have a fun time

  • su



    I used it around noon, around 1pm. It seems like the customer base is mostly older people. I ordered the ladies' lunch, and although I was a small eater, I was full, but the portion was modest. Everything is normal 😌

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