Premier en Kurashiki




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1-chōme-5-13 Chūō, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0046, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 50-5485-2914
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.5949858, Longitude: 133.7705045

comentarios 5

  • ぷらん



    The quality of the food is not high. The fish dish was hard even when I cut it with a knife, and fortunately there was no smell. Leftover bread? frozen? It tasted like something that had been reheated and reheated. There was so much smoke coming from the kitchen that I could see it and it hurt my eyes, so I wanted to finish my meal and go home. The walls were peeling off, and even the toilets seemed to have been poorly maintained.

  • 張強強



    I want to try local French food in Japan. Since the lunch set is only 2,000 to 3,000 yen, it is not expensive, so I came here to have a look. There is an English menu, so it is not difficult to understand what kind of cuisine it is. Since it is so far away The river is not far away, and the space is very quiet. I ordered an A set meal and a B set meal, which included salad, appetizers, soup, bread as appetizers, and chicken legs, steaks, etc. as main courses. They were all very delicious and were also provided at the end. Desserts and drinks, a great meal

  • EVE



    I visited you for lunch. I had roast duck for the chef's choice lunch. The presentation was beautiful and everything from the amuse to the dessert was delicious. Parking lot: Up to 4 cars can be parked in front of the shop.

  • chin keung cheung

    chin keung cheung


    very good

  • Xue Shanti

    Xue Shanti


    Lunch is good

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