大通りルル歯科・口腔外科クリニック i Sapporo




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丸大ビル 6f, 1-chōme-5 Minami 2 Jōnishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0062, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-261-7722
internet side: ruru-dent.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.0587439, Longitude: 141.3563086

kommentar 5

  • 楓


    This is only my second visit to the hospital, but the receptionist and female doctor were as friendly and easy to talk to as the other people said. I had a lump on my tongue and when I looked it up on the internet, it said there was a possibility of tongue cancer. I decided to see an oral surgeon who also has oral surgery, but after finding out that I didn't have tongue cancer, my back teeth were shaved off (why?) During the tooth removal treatment, even though I was under anesthesia, it hurt for a moment, as if something had stained my area.Other than that, I didn't feel any pain at all.After the treatment, I was told that it would hurt once the anesthesia wears off, so she prescribed Loxonin. Even though I never took medicine, I never got hurt. I think he's a really good teacher. I thought that the treatment would help me see things about my teeth that I didn't know about. For now, I think I'll continue my treatment here. However, it was noticeable that the treatment was divided into two or three sessions, even though they said it would be completed in the next session, and that they looked down on some patients. I have the impression that if I get money, I will do anything without worrying about other people's time or money.

  • Y I

    Y I


    Let's start with the conclusion, If you are looking for a dentist who is highly skilled, reliable, and has a cheerful atmosphere, we recommend Lulu Dental! I went to the dentist for the first time in over ten years, and both my tooth decay and my dislike of dentists were cured. Due to the location, there seemed to be a lot of elderly patients, patients with emergencies, late arrivals, and patients like me who had been avoiding the dental clinic, but they were treated efficiently. Below, I will write more details for those who are considering going to the hospital. I had a painful experience with orthodontics in the past, so I started to dislike dentists, and after moving to the city, I didn't have the energy to find a good dentist, so I came here through a friend's introduction. The reviews on Google Maps that I looked at in advance often said that she had "older sister's skin," so I imagined a scary-looking doctor with a frightening personality, and I was frightened on the day of my appointment (even though she was only there to remove tartar), but in reality... I was treated with a smile the entire time, which made me feel at ease! When I told him that I had come to the dentist for the first time in more than 10 years, he smiled and said in a cheerful voice, ``I mustered up the courage😆,'' which made me feel at ease. Before getting the tartar removed, I was thinking, ``I'll have to go for whitening now...'' but thanks to the dental hygienist's superb skills, my teeth became so beautiful! Thank you very much for that section. After removing the tartar, I went to the hospital for about a month for treatment of cavities. Although the teeth were located at the very back of the teeth, which were difficult to grind, and where molds were difficult to take, he did his best to keep the aesthetics as intact as possible, and the bite was adjusted without any discomfort after the surgery. In particular, when water collects in my mouth while grinding my teeth, it feels like I'm drowning and it becomes difficult to breathe, but all the dental hygienists were very happy with the proper suction and didn't make it difficult. I believe that all of the dental hygienists, including the director, have excellent technical skills. Personally, I think the price is very reasonable. I felt it. (I was afraid of several cavities and pain each time, so I asked for anesthesia, but it seemed to cost about 2,000 to 3,000 yen) The hygienist at the reception desk also told me about my budget before I asked any questions, saying, ``I think the next one will be about ◯◯ yen,'' which I was grateful for for being cashless! This is a very long post, but there are doctors and hygienists that I can rely on. We recommend this option for people who don't want long hospital visits or who are worried about going to the dentist.

  • file y

    file y


    I think the dentists here are fast and have good skills. He was also very good at administering anesthesia. However, other parts are too violent. During the procedure, the instruments hit other teeth many times, and adjacent teeth that were not supposed to be removed were also accidentally removed. They may seem friendly at first glance, but if you show even the slightest doubt about the treatment, they will show strong discomfort and disrespect towards the patient. I got really scared and stopped going.

  • ふぇりしぃ



    I highly recommend it. Personally, I would like to give it more stars. We have a female doctor with great skills, a cute hygienist, and a friendly reception staff. My wisdom tooth (cavity) that I had neglected for too long started to grow out of control and I couldn't bear it anymore, so I went to see our doctor. Although it was past my appointment time and close to the closing time, I was able to see the doctor. As soon as I realized that the only option was to have the tooth extracted, he started making preparations and the tooth extraction itself was completed in no time. I was very impressed because I had previously had a wisdom tooth extracted at another hospital, and the anesthesia did not work at all and the procedure took 3 to 4 hours. Thank you for your continued support.

  • Othmane



    the best dental clinic in Sapporo for me , amazing staff and nice atmosphere that it helps you relax and be yourself while you are in safe, experienced hands that handle all the procedures perfectly... i do recommend it for all :D

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