Kazenomori Dental i Sapporo

JapanKazenomori Dental



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Japan, 〒060-0001 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Kita 1 Jōnishi, 7-chōme−3 おおわだビル 2階
kontakter telefon: +81 11-281-1182
internet side: kazenomorishika.com
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Latitude: 43.0608284, Longitude: 141.3468852

kommentar 5

  • 萩原みゆき



    I just finished my medical examination. I have been in Sapporo for half a year, and during that time I have visited 6 dental clinics. I had a cavity in my tooth, but I also had severe pain and discomfort in my mouth, so I went to various clinics, but this clinic was very thorough and examined me well. Also, the explanation was really heartwarming. We have a team of professional doctors, so we are able to provide a variety of treatments. I would like to receive treatment at this clinic. The staff is also very kind and reduces the stress of the examination. However, it is quite crowded, so please check that area. I think the 2.5 reviews were from before.

  • はきだこ



    The director is polite and has good skills, but the reception and telephone response were very poor and made me feel uncomfortable. When I went to the hospital the other day, I had to wait for over an hour, and when I asked the receptionist, I couldn't believe my ears when she said, "Can you wait any longer?" Isn't it normal to apologize first? After having to wait, I was asked to reschedule my reservation. I was very disappointed in the lack of common sense.

  • ろま



    My husband has been going there for several years, and I was originally going to another hospital, but this time my family doctor didn't have a CT scan, so I decided to have one done here. When the director found out I was pregnant, he kindly encouraged me to stay hydrated while waiting, and he was very considerate about my posture when I was examined. The dental assistant seemed to be very experienced and made me feel at ease, and she kindly explained to me that CT scans involve electromagnetic waves, so there is little chance of radiation exposure, but I would wear a protective apron just in case. Everyone was very kind, even walking me to the elevator entrance because the doors closed early. My family doctor is also wonderful, but he was such a wonderful dentist that I would like to choose him as my family doctor if I have the opportunity in the future.

  • Flower Flower

    Flower Flower


    The director's skills are certain. However, the receptionist's response was very poor. He also has a bad attitude, so I end up leaving home feeling uncomfortable every time. The people with the worst attitude are those who used to wear a high ponytail, but now their hair is cut short and they no longer wear it. It had a single eye and looked bad. I wonder what kind of attitude you have. Even though I have work and other circumstances, he unilaterally made me a reservation and I told him I couldn't make it that day.He suddenly became angry, put his hands on his hips, and said, ``Then when can you come?'' 💢💢” He said in a strong and disgusting tone. What is it? How do you say that? I thought. I keep wondering what kind of person you think you are. If you don't do something about that attitude, Kaze no Mori's reputation and dignity will be lowered because of you. I feel sorry for the director. There was a receptionist who had no common sense... Isn't he teaching you? I would like to give him 5 stars because I can trust the director, but the receptionist's attitude is so bad that I'm lowering it to 2 stars. *Until recently, I had given it 4 stars. Basically, everyone at the reception desk has a very bad attitude. Please try to be aware of it. I love Director Iinuma. Because he is very kind, calm, polite, and precise. I trust him a lot, and if Director Iinuma says it's okay, I can rest assured that it's okay. Worst reception. Isn't there something wrong with a woman who isn't an elderly woman who wears a single layer and has bad eyes? He doesn't understand hospitality, has no delicacy, and has the worst personality. I wish he would quit.

  • 伊藤雅美



    Thank you for your help with the implant. At other clinics, you have to spend the day of your implant surgery without your teeth in, so I was worried that it would affect my work, so I was referred to this clinic. I had surgery on multiple front teeth, but I was saved because I had temporary teeth placed on the same day. During the surgery, the doctor constantly talked to me and explained the progress of the surgery, so I didn't have any fear of the surgery. I was surprised that the surgery was over so quickly. There was no swelling after the surgery, and the pain was resolved with painkillers, so it didn't interfere with my work. Regarding the treatment, the post-surgery maintenance was explained in detail, and thanks to the thorough maintenance, I was able to complete the treatment without any problems. The doctor, dental hygienist, and receptionist were all very kind, so I was able to leave my treatment with peace of mind until the very end. I was very satisfied because there was almost no waiting time and I was shown around at the time I booked, and even during the coronavirus pandemic, they took all possible precautions to prevent the spread of infection. I am very grateful that I was able to go to the hospital safely.

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