Asahiyamashoni Dental Clinic i Sapporo

JapanAsahiyamashoni Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒064-0808 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 8 Jōnishi, 23-chōme−2−5 旭山シャトー桂和
kontakter telefon: +81 11-551-8804
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.0474107, Longitude: 141.3257756

kommentar 5

  • siratama tabetai

    siratama tabetai


    I took my kids there after reading the reviews. As per the reputation, the receptionist and the teachers were very polite and kind, so I decided to continue coming here!

  • a s

    a s


    Everyone is very personable and you can feel at ease.

  • あこみたし



  • Mc Nz

    Mc Nz


    I've been going to this school ever since my child's teeth started growing. I moved from Sapporo due to a job transfer, but I'm used to the clinic and doctors here, so I think it's good even if I leave, so I come here every few months, and the hygienists and receptionists around me are also very friendly. And kind. It will be smoother if you make a reservation.

  • ta2bou kanegon

    ta2bou kanegon


    The doctor's explanations are thorough, so you can receive treatment with peace of mind. It's a popular clinic, so it's probably a good idea to make a reservation.

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