Maruyamasakuragikyosei Dental Clinic i Sapporo

JapanMaruyamasakuragikyosei Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒064-0820 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Ōdōrinishi, 24-chōme−1−10 アルファ円山ビル 6F
kontakter telefon: +81 11-633-1118
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0560889, Longitude: 141.3206266

kommentar 5

  • satomi tanaka

    satomi tanaka


    After receiving counseling from several hospitals, I decided to receive treatment as this was the most considerate treatment. Both the doctor and the dental hygienist are very kind and polite, making me feel at ease. I'm still in the middle of treatment, but I'm looking forward to seeing my teeth perfectly aligned. It's nice that there's no waiting time at all.

  • saki



    I went to various orthodontists for counseling, but I decided to go here because the director himself gave me the most thorough and understandable explanation. I was prepared for it to take three years because the whole thing was so shaky, but I was happy that the orthodontic period ended half a year early. Although it was a backside correction, there was almost no pain and I am very satisfied with the result. The clinic was very clean and the dental hygienists were all polite and kind. thank you very much.

  • ayaka inomata

    ayaka inomata


    All the staff were very polite, kind, and a great dentist! The clinic was very clean and it was easy to get to since it was close to Maruyama Koen Station!

  • ふあ



    This is an orthodontist whose doctor and staff are very kind and polite! During my orthodontic treatment, there were times when I had problems with the equipment and needed emergency help, but since they are open late on Saturdays, Sundays, and weekdays, it was easy to go even while working. . I had superficial orthodontics, but they attached wires that were hard to see, so people around me said it wasn't noticeable at all, so I was glad that I was able to get the treatment without worrying about it, even though the treatment took longer than I expected. ! I used to have a complex about my protruding teeth, but now I have confidence in my mouth. I've been receiving more and more compliments on my appearance, and I'm really glad I went to this orthodontic clinic for my orthodontic treatment! Recommended!

  • かな



    He is a highly recommended orthodontist! I have now finished my orthodontic treatment and am on a retainer. I was looking for an orthodontist because I wanted back side correction, but because I have a special tooth arrangement with adult baby teeth, every dentist I knew told me they could only do front side correction. However, when I consulted with Dr. Sakuragi, he replied, ``We can correct the back side!'' He kindly discussed any concerns I had, and I decided to have the treatment here. I needed special treatment, but my teeth were aligned much more beautifully than I could have imagined! The teachers and staff are all very kind! He is an orthodontist that I would definitely recommend to anyone in my family or friends who is suffering from this problem. Thank you so much for helping me get rid of the complex that I have been worried about for many years! I'm really glad I was able to go here. I really like the cute decorations that change with the seasons (^^) I would be happy if this could be helpful to those who are worried about orthodontics.

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