Crayon House in Toyama

JapanCrayon House


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4-23 Hongū, Toyama, 930-1455, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 76-482-1515
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5769006, Longitude: 137.4266775

kommentare 5

  • Kaitlyn M

    Kaitlyn M


    This charming hotel is a wonderful place to stay! The owners are so friendly, we felt right at home from the moment we arrived. It's nestled next to a ski slope, so the views are beautiful and it was quiet (we were here in late spring with no snow). Dinner and breakfast were outstanding! Seriously good food!! And the onsen and aroma terrace were beautiful. Great place to relax!

  • Ahlin G

    Ahlin G


    This is probably the best place I’ve stayed in! The owners were very lovely and accomodating and go out of their way to make you feel welcome! We went there via train so they actually picked us up from the station and took us back/fetched us from our Alpine Route trip. The place is very well-kept and had spacious rooms. The also have an onsen inside. And the foooood! 😍

  • Thomas Jones

    Thomas Jones


    Very good hotel to stay at. The owners are very friendly and accommodating. The onsen was lovely and refreshing. Bedroom was very spacious. A nice selection of food to enjoy. The owner is also a ski instructor.

  • Dmitry Kornyushin

    Dmitry Kornyushin


    Nice view!

  • Bob Leung

    Bob Leung


    Very Nice Hostel, room is clean and a nice garden. Breakfast is super good as well.

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