Coco's Seishin Newtown i Kobe

JapanCoco's Seishin Newtown



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒651-2277 Hyogo, Kobe, Nishi Ward, Mikatadai, 9-chōme−2−2 パルティSC 内
kontakter telefon: +81 78-993-0234
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7250425, Longitude: 135.0108629

kommentar 5

  • A I

    A I


    It was unsanitary. -The floor is covered in muddy footprints even though it hasn't rained for over a week. ・A mysterious brown liquid drips from the bathroom mirror. ・The transparent glass of the cash register is full of dust. - Seats and child seats are carefully arranged. The attitude of the staff was not bad, but it wasn't bad either. The cost performance was good because I used the app's coupons, but I don't think I'll go to this store again.

  • hippo whtie

    hippo whtie


    Too bad it's far away. My favorite family restaurant.

  • Sara Michael

    Sara Michael


    2024/6/30 Information about Tanabata limited time sweets and BIRTHDAY cake. Free parking. In July, it's quite crowded during meal times, probably because many people use lucky bag coupons. It's a normal COCO'S, but probably due to the lack of staff during holiday dinners, three tea bottles at the drink bar were left empty, and the milk in the coffee maker was left empty. Also, there were a lot of items out of stock, and orders for salads, pasta, etc. had stopped, so there was a limit to what we could eat. If you say it can't be helped, maybe it can't be helped. I was told that if you enter the store and many items are out of stock, please feel free to cancel. Instead of feeling uncomfortable, please have the courage to cancel and leave the store.

  • 佐渡志紀



    Doesn't the serving robot have cat ears? With few exceptions, meals are served by robots. When you entered the store, you used the terminal on the left to register, and if a seat was available, you went straight to the numbered seat displayed on the screen. It was the type where you entered the numbers on the menu into a tablet placed at your seat. I haven't taken many Cocos-like photos, but I went there for the Fate Babylonia collaboration. What I ate was dice-cut steak. It took a long time to prepare, but the taste was very good and I was able to choose the sauce. 2024/05/22 Here it is in collaboration with Nijisanji. When ordering the collaboration menu, Nijisanji's collaboration voice was heard. It's amazing how busy your hands are. The price seems high, but Coco's isn't that cheap in the first place, so I can understand why it's like this. The seafood pizza from the collaboration menu was delicious. When I entered the information on the tablet to order some regular coffee jelly for dessert after the meal, she directed me to the more economical option on the lunch menu. It's a very nice design and it's very helpful.

  • まりっぺ



    We're currently collaborating with Touken Ranbu, so I came here with my family and for my daughter. The food will be delivered right to your table by a robot while playing music.

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