Akashi Tako i Akashi

JapanAkashi Tako



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-5-17 Honmachi, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0892, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-911-2241
internet side: www.akashiyaki.ne.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.646923, Longitude: 134.9921404

kommentar 5

  • Maki Maki

    Maki Maki


    Eating Akashiyaki on the way back from Awaji Island🐾 Looking for a place you can go with your dog 🐕️ Dogs are not allowed inside the store. Located in a corner of a shopping street, there are tables and chairs lined up in front of the store, making it spacious and comfortable. It was a hot and humid day 🌞 15 pieces 800 yen The seasoning is just a little mitsuba ☘️ Here we go! Akashi omelette🐙 delicious! but... So fluffy! I want a little more! It was a little different from what I was looking for (-_-;) Delicious is delicious I used to eat well, I wanted to eat something like that! There is... The customer service from the staff was very good. The dog is cute too💠 I'm very happy to hear so many things said🐩 Tables lined up in front of the store It was fun to feel like I was traveling🎵 When I was walking through the shopping district with my dog ​​in my arms, Shops everywhere are saying that dogs are OK! There were many shops with desk chairs lined up in front of the show👀 There were many Akashiyaki restaurants in the shopping district, so it might be a good idea to walk around and compare them all.

  • yu_ko m.

    yu_ko m.


    It is located on Uotana Shopping Street, a few minutes walk south of Akashi Station. I decided to try a different store rather than the one I usually go to, so I chose one that was relatively popular. I was able to enter the store after waiting for 15 minutes. Among the many Akashiyaki restaurants, I think this one is above average in terms of price and quantity. The clerk was also cheerful and kind. I would like to use it again if I have the opportunity.

  • hi sck

    hi sck


    Is the store usually crowded? I went in right away for lunch today. I think there were only pleasant people among the store staff. There was also a store clerk who seemed to be the person you are describing, but when she bent over and smiled at the small child, I thought she was a completely normal person when she was able to look at the child, lol. She might be a different person, though. I think sometimes the Akashiyaki, which is the most important thing, doesn't have octopus in it, but when I ate it, it was freshly grilled and delicious.

  • 華凜



    It was delicious! My first time eating Akashiyaki. There were a lot of people in line, but we got our food fairly quickly. The sea bream chazuke was also very delicious. The arcade was also lively and made me feel like a tourist. Akashi Castle ruins and Akashiyaki. I wish Akashi would be more popular!

  • سموكي jr

    سموكي jr



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