Akashiyaki Go i Akashi

JapanAkashiyaki Go



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-1-4 Honmachi, Akashi, Hyogo 673-0892, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 78-913-8205
internet side: go-akashiyaki.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6472423, Longitude: 134.990679

kommentar 5

  • tapo22 tapo

    tapo22 tapo


    This is a restaurant with an old-fashioned atmosphere that will entertain you with a variety of arranged menus and difficult kanji quizzes. I split it into halves of 5 pieces, and had two different flavors in my mouth. I can't help but compare it to takoyaki, but it was a new sensation to eat it simply by dipping it in soup stock.

  • 山田太郎



    When I entered the store, I was slightly impressed by the kanji test I had read about through word of mouth. That being said, I ordered ``Tankobu'' made with Akashi octopus and salted kelp. The flavor of salted kelp spreads throughout the dough, and the originally light Akashiyaki dough has a slight taste of salted kelp, making it very flavorful and delicious! The kanji test had 5 questions, and I got a discount after only one more question, which was a disappointing result.

  • Oda Citrus

    Oda Citrus


    Good food, would definitely stop by there again if I was in the area

  • Dina



    it was really tasty

  • Adam Boroniec-Maslis

    Adam Boroniec-Maslis


    This is an amazing little place. with fantastic food. When you sit down they give you a small card with 10 words on in, written in rarely used Kanji, if you get the words right, you are given a discount on your meal. On the back of the wall, there are about 300 kanji, if you get these words right, you get free food for a year. The food itself is also fantastic and I would recommend this place to anyone

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