Clover w Shibata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-7-3 Shintomichō, Shibata, Niigata 957-0017, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 254-24-4570
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.956958, Longitude: 139.341774

komentarze 5

  • pinejuice3



    I ate tomato ramen. It is sour, delicious, and has a unique taste. It's an addictive feeling. I wanted to try other things as well.

  • きんたろう



    I learned on the internet that curry is a traditional Western restaurant specialty, so I visited the restaurant from Nishi Ward. I ordered the desired ramen curry set. Hmm? It used to be traditional, but it was a mom's curry. It was a little different from what I expected.

  • エヌエム



    I received a large serving of milk karashi miso noodles. At the first sip, you can feel the flavor of milk. Once you get used to it, you won't notice the milk flavor. The soup itself tasted like sesame miso. The noodles are thin curly noodles. There are so many interesting menu items that you might be confused.

  • 潮越後



    Where should I go for lunch when I come to Shibata City? After thinking about it, I came here! There were so many options on the menu that I didn't know what to recommend, so I ordered the set menu of ramen and mini curry. The ramen is thin noodles with a light soy sauce flavored soup. The char siu on top has less fat, but it's been simmered until soft, and the char siu is delicious! I had high expectations for the curry, but it tasted like a typical instant type. It was almost full at lunch time on Sunday. The average age of the customer base is roughly 60 to 70 years old, and I personally like the soup to have a strong flavor and the noodles to be chewy, firm, and thick, so I don't think this was a good fit for me... which was a shame.

  • 猫飯拳みょーがぁ



    It's one of my favorite shops! This "Tomato Ramen" is the best to say the least! If you like tomatoes, please try it at least once ✨ I want to know the recipe for this tomato ramen (´;ω;`)!!! There are 4 seats in the raised area and 5 to 6 seats at the counter, and water and towels are self-service. There is also a parking lot. It's a shame that it's not within easy reach of my home, but I always stop by when I have something to do ♥️ Tomato Ramen♥️Love♥️♥️

najbliższy Restauracja

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