Sushi Katsumizushi w Niigata

JaponiaSushi Katsumizushi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-10-23 Sasaguchi, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0911, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-241-7892
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.9107421, Longitude: 139.0662813

komentarze 5

  • A. T.

    A. T.


    I came to the store on a weekday evening between holidays. It was a very good sushi restaurant. First of all, the crab miso tofu and cod milt were delicious. The sashimi and sushi were carefully made and delicious. What was impressive was that the elegant soup stock, such as ponzu sauce and miso soup, worked well. Also, both the owner and the landlady are friendly and have a good sense of distance. I heard many interesting stories about alcohol and fish. This is a restaurant I plan to visit again the next time I come to Niigata.

  • なべいか



    I visited while sightseeing in Niigata. First of all, the grilled barracuda and tofu were exquisite, and my expectations for sushi rose. It seems that the edamame that was recommended to me is particular about being picked in the morning, and the fresh, crunchy texture is irresistible. I had the recommended course of 10 pieces of sushi, and all of the toppings were very delicious. The staff at the store were friendly and talked to me, making me feel very comfortable. This is a restaurant where you can feel the care and attention to detail in each and every dish.

  • U-Co.



    An old-fashioned sushi restaurant within walking distance south of Niigata Station. We had 10 luxurious nigiri pieces from the omakase menu, which had about 3 different types. Everything was very delicious, but I was especially surprised by how exquisite the sea bream with citrus sauce was! ! I think it's a dish you won't find anywhere else. It's a good idea to have a drink while chatting with the owner or proprietress in the relaxing atmosphere of the store. It's also a good idea to bring friends who are sightseeing. There was a statement on the website that there was a parking lot for 2 cars, but when I checked, I found out that that was a long time ago and that there is no parking space anymore. If you are coming by car, please note that you will need to use a nearby parking lot.

  • ユーチューブ戦略コンサルタント酒井 大輔

    ユーチューブ戦略コンサルタント酒井 大輔


    When I came to Niigata, I thought it was time for sushi, so I decided to visit. First, I called to confirm business hours, and the owner answered in a very friendly manner, which made me curious (lol). Itaba was my son, but he listened to my request for a larger variety of sashimi, so the crab, sushi, and beer cost about 15,000 yen for two people. I'm satisfied with the taste and price! My son said that once his mother started talking, he wouldn't stop, and the shop had a great atmosphere, where you could hear all sorts of local stories! If I come to Niigata again, I'll stop by. By the way, I don't care about this information, but I thought "Katsumi" was her first name, but it turned out to be her last name!

  • M S

    M S


    I went on a weekday night, but it was reserved for private use. It was great to see the Tokujo being crowded right in front of me. The appetizer was stingray fin and plum wine was also delicious. The staff at the store were friendly and helpful, making me feel comfortable. I would like to go there again if I have a chance to come nearby.

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