フランクス ディナー&ダイニング w Niigata

Japoniaフランクス ディナー&ダイニング



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒950-3327 Niigata, Kita Ward, Isurugi, 1-chōme−17−6
kontakt telefon: +81 25-250-6722
strona internetowej: www.instagram.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.9211837, Longitude: 139.2127275

komentarze 5

  • ひろみ



    It was a very comfortable shop. Lunch was voluptuous and included chiffon cake.

  • ta ayu

    ta ayu


    I've been there several times at the invitation of a friend. I really like the staff and the atmosphere of the store. The rice tastes bad... This time I ate roast beef bowl, but it still didn't suit my taste. I visited the restaurant on the first night of Golden Week, and was disappointed by the various menu restrictions, such as, ``They don't have this meat,'' ``There's almost no pizza,'' and ``They don't serve hot drinks at night.'' I really don't want to go anymore. It might be ok if you use it for a light meal.

  • 恵美



    I used it for lunch with friends. When I entered, I was taken to a seat on the second floor that looked like a semi-private room. There was terrace seating and the atmosphere was nice. I had the lunch set of salmon and avocado bowl. The amount of rice may have been a little too much for me. The taste was delicious! It also comes with an appetizer and sweets, so I could have had less rice, but it's probably enough to eat normally. I'm full considering my age (lol)

  • Shaun



    Chance upon this restaurant and tried the food. Nice food with good ambience. Would rate the service of all staff with 5*. High Recommended!

  • けん



    We have Italian food, curry, and a child's room. A popular restaurant for young mothers! There is also terrace seating next to the entrance, which is great on sunny days. The food is only available for lunch, but the pasta tastes authentic. The lunch set is about ¥1,500 and includes an appetizer, pasta, chiffon cake, and a drink.

najbliższy Restauracja

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