Chinese Restaurant TOH-LEE w Niigata

JaponiaChinese Restaurant TOH-LEE



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-1 Bandaijima, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 950-0078, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-240-1941
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.9249925, Longitude: 139.0591031

komentarze 5

  • 幸


    Every lunch buffet I ate was delicious. The food comes out quickly and the customer service is polite. The atmosphere was easier to enter even with lighter clothing than I expected. The Chinese buffet I went to recently at ANA had a lot of portions, so this one was better for me as I like to eat a lot at a time.

  • Marissa U

    Marissa U


    Excellent food and service during the lunch hour. Everything we ordered was tasty, hot, and fresh. My 10-yr old daughter happily devoured everything that was served. We were provided an English menu but had to translate the lunch card menu offering the buffet menus. Would happily eat there again. Prices very reasonable.

  • 桜めぐりん



    You can't go wrong with any Chinese food you eat here! Everything is delicious 😋 The number one recommendation is the lunch buffet. The shrimp are plump and delicious 😋 Chimaki and Tori Shumai are popular menu items. On this day, I was able to eat freshly baked egg tarts🥧 for a limited time only. So lucky😊🌟 You can also see the night view of Bandai Bridge at night, which is highly recommended. The spring rolls are crispy and delicious even when cold! Recommended item The buffet menu changes every month. In fact, it's so delicious that I want to come back every month 😋 It's an order system where you order at your seat, so I'm happy about that 😆☺️ I'm happy to have all-you-can-eat desserts ☺️ Today's dessert is Sesame pudding lemon jelly Sakura pudding tapioca matcha milk Jelly is extremely sweet, so be careful 😣

  • J. K.

    J. K.


    Very delicious Chinese food 😋 We recommend the accommodation set course. The food and service are excellent. Although it is on the 3rd floor of the lobby level, the view is also good. The eggplant, sea bream, and ground meat are also a great combination. Even the plain sea bream was fatty and tasted good. The shrimp chili sauce contains corn and has a good texture. The meat shabu and sesame sauce are spicy and cold, perfect for summer😆 I have never eaten such delicious zha cai. Desserts are also great 😂 It was a weekday, but it was empty so I was worried 💦 I wish you all the best. The food is great, but the menu is complicated and difficult to understand at first glance. Maybe I'll make some special dishes to appeal to them. It may be necessary to come up with a way to leave a lasting impression. For example, mango pudding is so delicious😋I think it's a waste to have it normally. It costs about 10,000 yen for a heaping amount of cream in a bowl, and it's appealing enough to become a hot topic on SNS.

  • Paul McBride

    Paul McBride


    Excellent Chinese cuisine and super service. We stayed in the Hotel above the restaurant too. Lovely view whilst dining. Only negative is that it is a long way from the station. You need a taxi to get there.

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