Chocolate Lounge OXFORD i Sapporo

JapanChocolate Lounge OXFORD



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2-chōme-11-36 Miyanosawa 2 Jō, Nishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 063-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-666-1481
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0888927, Longitude: 141.2714735

kommentar 5

  • Rex



    On the 3rd floor Oxford Chocolate Lounge, we were given a table bell, waited for more than an hour for a window spot but were given a different table despite having seats available. The male host was unbelievably unprofessional. He needs more customer service training. To this guy, next time, if you promise something to a customer, you do it. You lack honor.

  • Audric Sy

    Audric Sy


    The desserts here looked beautiful and tasted delicious. It is worth trying and staying for a while in the nice cafe. I would recommend the strawberry pancake and the parfait the most.

  • Roxanne Lek

    Roxanne Lek


    Prefect place in the park for a good rest and replenish your sweet tooth cravings The cocolate drink here is a must have. There aee quite alot of tables ordering the fondue too. But the portion looks quite big and good for sharing with 3 people. We went with the hi tea set and a pancake. Both options are not too sweet and the pancake is so fluffy. Overall a great experience in the park

  • Leh Ping

    Leh Ping


    If you're looking for a great view, this place is perfect! However, if you're hoping for a fantastic cup of coffee or hot chocolate, you might be disappointed. While the view is undoubtedly stunning, the coffee and hot chocolate are only average. Nonetheless, it's still a lovely spot to take in the scenery.

  • Danielle M

    Danielle M


    Food is delicious!! We came on a Tuesday and there was about 30 minute wait time at 11:30. The lounge is super cute and you have a nice view of the mountains and park from the large panoramic windows. Once you order the food on the tablet provided, it took awhile for all our food to come out. Our drinks made it out first after about 10 minutes then our strawberry pancake a few minutes after. The savory plate took about 30 minutes from the time we ordered but it was very tasty. The location is kid friendly and the kids will enjoy the delicious chocolate milk and whipped cream covered pancakes.

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