喜茶ゆうご i Sapporo




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Japan, 〒063-0053 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Nishi Ward, Miyanosawa 3 Jō, 4-chōme−6−8 喜茶ゆうご
kontakter telefon: +81 11-555-5870
internet side: instagram.com
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Latitude: 43.0879121, Longitude: 141.2635415

kommentar 5

  • M N

    M N


    It's been a long time since I had coffee time 😋 A shop I've wanted to go to for a while. It's a difficult place to find, but the parking lot 🅿 is spacious ✨ The dessert cake 🍰 is handmade. 🍓I received a shortcake. The sponge was fluffy♪ and not too sweet, and the strawberries were soft and delicious without being sour✨The set with the drink cost 1,200 yen, which isn't cheap, but is it modern? The store was spacious and comfortable. On the way home, I bought a Japanese-style dressing for 680 yen and tried it right away. Is it a little dark? To me.

  • Takupa



    I see, it's a popular store. Coffee and pudding are both very delicious. Isn't this 1160 yen, which is good? The only customers were women. Since I was alone, I had to leave early. There's a lot of talking, so it's not a good idea to sit by yourself and enjoy a cup of coffee while looking out at the garden.

  • 森P



    [Parking for about 8 cars] This is a popular cafe. Customers come one after another. 〇This is a hidden cafe located quietly in a residential area. where? I thought so, but please believe the signboards along the way and proceed with courage. 〇It has a calm atmosphere where you can feel the warmth of wood. The greenery in the courtyard is soothing. 〇 Delicious food that is gentle on the body and made with carefully selected ingredients 😊. The popular omelet rice is made with cage-free fertilized eggs from "Farm Tatsukaam" in Sobetsu Town and bacon from Okopbe Town. 〇Desserts are also delicious😊. The ``Yokubari Set'' (¥1,800), which comes with a meal, drink, and cake, is a little pricey, but it's recommended as a reward for yourself once in a while. 〇The coffee is from Tokumitsu Coffee. 〇Opened in 2011. It is run by a husband and wife team. Apparently he renovated his wife's grandparents' house. 〇The name of the store was changed from ``coffee'' to ``kicha,'' hoping that everyone from children to the elderly would be happy together. 【❤❤】

  • backstreet



    There is a large parking lot and a shop at the bottom of a small one-lane downhill slope from the signboard. The wood-grained interior of the store looks cool with its wide windows and greenery in the garden. I didn't have much time so I decided to have a drink and a cake. "Iced tea" is Earl Gray Also, ``Banana Tart.'' A big cup of iced tea is the best in this heat. And in my opinion, it is in the top class of ``delicious cafes with homemade cakes.'' Yugo's cakes are truly delicious no matter what you eat.

  • Elisha Terada

    Elisha Terada


    Great food, coffee, and cakes. A quiet atmosphere, nice staff and owners, and relaxing space. If I ever open a café I want to run a place like this.

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