Maruyama Pancake i Sapporo

JapanMaruyama Pancake



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Japan, 〒064-0804 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 4 Jōnishi, 18-chōme−2−19 ブリランテ南円山 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 11-533-2233
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0528457, Longitude: 141.3282149

kommentar 5

  • Keevin Sakai

    Keevin Sakai


    Pancakes were soooooooo fluffy. This is just what I needed. We ordered two pancakes and after we finished we ordered another one because it was so good! The fruit was super fresh. Did not even need syrup!

  • Gabriel Gonzalez

    Gabriel Gonzalez


    Beautiful place with a fresh atmosphere. The pancakes are delicious with rich flavour and unbelievable presentation. Great for dates or just enjoying a conversation over pancakes. The staff is very friendly.

  • Zachary Hubbell

    Zachary Hubbell


    Meal: Lunch Day Visited: Tuesday Budget: ¥1,800 Closest Station: Maruyama Koen Reservation Needed?: No Payment: Cash Kid Friendly?: Yes English Menu?: No Good things take time and we are so happy that we waited for our beautiful pancakes made by this cute shop in Maruyama! Decadent pancakes and a nice atmosphere! Highly recommended.

  • Anas3101



    Great pancake place! I had the pancakes with burnt caramel and banana, was quite delicious. Though for what you get (2 pancakes, a small scoop of ice cream + toppings) this is relatively expensive at 1700yen. I enjoyed my experience but we only came here because we wanted to try the famous jiggly pancakes. I don't know if I can justify paying this much for pancakes again. If you are also looking to try japanese pancakes for the first time, then definitely recommended !

  • Kristmas



    Such a lovely store! Nice light breakfast pancakes. Coffee is too mild for my liking but it is still acceptable. Their pancakes are soft & fluffy but not overly jiggly unlike some other famous big pancake stores. We prefer this. The seasonal poached apple banana w some flaky pastry adds more texture which is awesome! Oh did i mention the amazing maple syrup, i just want to drizzle over every inch of my pancake! So yummy!!!

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