Starbucks Coffee - Sapporo Nishimachi i Sapporo

JapanStarbucks Coffee - Sapporo Nishimachi



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4-chōme-1-20 Nishimachiminami, Nishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 063-0062, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-669-1175
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0778743, Longitude: 141.2904641

kommentar 5

  • Franklin Benjamin

    Franklin Benjamin


    I came to Morning. The Nishimachi store is busier than the Maruyama class and Miyagaoka stores, and the customer base is calmer and quieter. Thank you for the clubhouse sandwich and English breakfast tea latte.

  • Toru Nogami

    Toru Nogami


    It was quiet, clean and had a relaxing atmosphere. Today's drip guatemala antigua is a single origin from a place where I have lived for a while, so I feel a sense of familiarity. I like how it has a cocoa-like aroma, a refreshing taste, and a refined bitterness.

  • Chris Yuen

    Chris Yuen


    Only 1 bug table that is shared. Other tables are small round ones with only 2 chairs each, making it difficult to stack the tables together. No electrical outlets to plug in devices. Good food though (standard Starbucks fare).

  • Captn Rex (Rex)

    Captn Rex (Rex)


    Staff are great & very accommodating. They are even willing to use some English. 😇😇😇 The setting & ambience is quite nice. In the Covid period, maybe there could be more space between customers, IE by removing a few seats/tables, but there is a few comfortable outdoor seats also. The house espresso is not quite strong enough for my taste, but a small double shot latte just about get me over the line. All in all, a nice coffee shop experience with free Wi-Fi & a very clean bathroom.

  • P kitty53

    P kitty53


    Good service

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