Chinese Restaurant SYOURYU HANTEN en Sagamihara

JapónChinese Restaurant SYOURYU HANTEN



🕗 horarios

5-chōme-28-13 Sagamiōno, Minami Ward, Sagamihara, Kanagawa 252-0303, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 42-743-2341
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5312551, Longitude: 139.4311557

comentarios 5

  • maruna 10,000歩

    maruna 10,000歩


    It's been a while since I ate delicious gomoku umami soba. Gyoza is sweet and special. I want to go back to the town Chinese restaurant.

  • TK-ONE



    The speed is incredible for a small town Chinese restaurant. The cooking time varies from 5 to 35 minutes depending on the person. It is understandable to take turns cooking food, or ordering the same food as the previous customer and then cooking the other customers' food at the same time. However, even though there are two people in the kitchen, they cook the same thing together. Probably not able to multitask. And it takes time to make one dish. Depending on the timing, you may have to wait 35 minutes. The last customers are overwhelmingly served first. If you want to eat quickly, it's a good idea to order the same thing as the next customer you're likely to cook. Please note that it takes 10 minutes for bottled beer to be served.

  • you1 k.

    you1 k.


    This is a store I've been curious about for a long time. I was participating in the Sagami-Ono Curry Festival, so I took this opportunity to visit. It was around 1:30pm on a weekday, but it was so crowded that there were only a few seats available at the counter. I ordered a mini mapo curry bowl to participate in the curry festival. There were several customers waiting for their mapo curry bowl. Looks like you're busy. It's brutal in the kitchen lol The mapo curry bowl is piping hot and looks delicious. It's spicy for the cat's tongue... Above all, it was so large that I couldn't believe it was a mini lol I'll try the regular menu sometime.

  • 三日。



    The parking lot is located at the back of the road, away from the store. It opens at 11am, but fills up quickly. It will take some time to serve the food as they are preparing for take-out. The fried rice with four large shrimp is about two and a half bowls full. Gomoku Umani Soba has a strong soy sauce taste, unlike the salty taste of Gomoku Soba. It's delicious with red bean paste too. Most people ordered the shrimp fried rice or noodles separately rather than the set lunch menu, and each item was of high quality and addictive.

  • Takafumi Yamada

    Takafumi Yamada


    I love gomoku noodle 🍜 pls try if you have chance 👍

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