To-tori-ton en Machida




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Japan, 〒194-0013 Tokyo, Machida, Haramachida, 6-chōme−11−8 八百茂ビル 3F
contactos teléfono: +81 42-723-8800
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5443191, Longitude: 139.446021

comentarios 5

  • Ao



    ●Yakitori is recommended! As the name suggests, they have everything from fish to meat, but the yakitori was as delicious as if it were from a specialty restaurant. Horse sashimi is also available in a variety of parts, which is valuable around here. ●The atmosphere is lively It has a lively atmosphere and feels like a popular izakaya, but the food is comparable to a quieter place. ●Open until 5am The opening hours are long, so it's nice to be able to go there late at night. ●The toilet is clean! The toilet was very clean at my timing. It's hard to say that considering the atmosphere, but you can feel that they are taking care of themselves. By the way, there are three shared by men and women. ●Ordering is a bit time consuming I will call the staff and tell them. It may be a little difficult to catch. There is a doorbell that rings manually, but it is doubtful that it will be heard during busy times. I feel like having a tablet in the corner seat would be beneficial for both parties.

  • mowmow



    First visit! I made a reservation for 5pm. The store is up two floors of stairs. You could smoke at your seat! There is an all-you-can-drink option, and the price changes depending on whether you have beer or not. ◎Fried wakame seaweed ◎Red shrimp pickled in soy sauce? ◎Fried octopus ◎Anchovy potato ◎Yakitori (thigh, meatballs, heart, bonjiri, egg wrapped in meat) ◎Amberjack with sesame sauce ◎Dashi-rolled eggs ◯Deep fried eggplant ◯Meat salad The products marked ◎ were very delicious! There was nothing that I didn't feel was delicious, and the quality of the food was good overall! The meatballs had a strong sweet taste and I really liked them! Personally, I was disappointed that the lemon sour was too sweet and I didn't like it.

  • 松岡照幸



    Drinking party in Machida! The restaurant I wanted to go to was full and closed (lol), so I went to a restaurant called Toto Toriton. As for the food, well, I went into this restaurant without doing any research, so I guess that's what it was like. The store staff's customer service is good.

  • A. Kaemmerer

    A. Kaemmerer


    Crowded and smokey, like the good ol days!

  • Xavier Marchand

    Xavier Marchand


    Great service, cozy, nice menu, and GREAT value for money. Just be aware that smoking is allowed inside.

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