CONA Machida en Machida

JapónCONA Machida



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6-chōme-11-7 Haramachida, Machida, Tokyo 194-0013, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5441183, Longitude: 139.4459739

comentarios 5

  • Selena Hernandez

    Selena Hernandez


    The pizza is very okay, does not exceed expectations. The three employees were all drinking beer while on shift. Noticed the gentleman drop a glass on the floor and pick it up to place it with the clean glasses (did not wash the glass). The employees were eating while handling other's food (also noticed them not washing their hands). Super unprofessional and not clean! Stay away!!

  • Tubby Beaver

    Tubby Beaver


    Been here a couple of times now. The pizza is good…¥600 per pizza, decent sizes too….no complaints. The nomihodai price is good at ¥2189 for 2 hours but they need to clean their beer pipes. The Carlsberg has that sour aftertaste of dirty pipes. A little regular maintenece and this would have a couple more stars.

  • Matt Diehls

    Matt Diehls


    It's sometimes hard to get a seat here, but if you do the food great for the price. 500 yen pizza, usually takes 2 to fill me, but even with so many to choose from I've never had a bad one. Salmon cream cheese is my favorite.

  • Mo B

    Mo B


    This place is an amazing hidden gem. So many different pizzas to choose from, cozy sitting areas (plus super cool upstairs seating), and friendly staff. The food was delicious and there was more to pick on the menu than just pizza. Great little treasure, I definitely recommend.

  • Denmaaku Jin

    Denmaaku Jin


    Restaurant is fairly price ‼️However it cost 600 yen for seats.‼️ it has good atmosphere. Staff seems to enjoy themselves with small talk 👍 Inside it is a bit hot inside ♨️ The bad 👎 service wasn't that good while we were there. The waitress was very slow, it took a lot of time before we got our drinks (had too much ice) and she also forgot our salad we ordered, end up not getting it, weren't even sorry. They are really slow to clean the tables after people leaves, so when people comes to the restaurant they have to wait. Staff should wearing caps to make hair goes into the food.

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