
🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒194-0013 Tokyo, Machida, Haramachida, 6-chōme−11−11 T-wing Machida 2F
contactos teléfono: +81 42-728-8015
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.5443179, Longitude: 139.4462375

comentarios 5

  • Ka Rin

    Ka Rin


    I usually enjoy going to Latte Graphic and have been to many branches. This one however turned into a family restaurant with lots of people bringing their children. Usually that wouldn't be an issue either, but some parents bring children that literally scream and screech from the top of their lungs for prolonged times. After a full 20 minutes of playful screeching, screaming and then wailing we honestly lost our appetite and decided to not order dessert anymore. I wish the staff would have had the courage to ask the parents to quiet down the children after they didn't stop. Even in cheap family restaurants such as saizeria I've not experienced any similar volume and repeated playground behavior. Won't be back here for a date night.

  • Craig Cowell

    Craig Cowell


    Latte Graphic is inspired by coffee culture in Melbourne, Australia and is on the second floor of one of the commercial buildings in Machida. For coffee, they have pictures that show the proportion of foam, milk, espresso, and sometimes chocolate, of each of their drinks, which is a good refresher for when you’ve forgotten the difference between a flat white and a cafe latte. Each coffee comes with a graphic in the foam (hence the name). Prices are comparable to other shops in the location. They serve food and alcohol as well, but I didn’t try any this time around. Each seat had a QR code that is tied to their ordering system, so simply scan and order! If you have a large party or simply want a reservation to guarantee you a seat, they have a system to make reservations. I was a walk in around dinner time, so it wasn’t a problem to grab a seat. The workers were very kind and welcoming, despite my poor Japanese. I’d go again!

  • Eros Zoe

    Eros Zoe


    Excellent Customer Service! Not all the staff speak English, but they are so friendly and food is amazing 😍

  • Emiko Kawashima

    Emiko Kawashima


    I have enjoyed their coffee (flat white) here, and it was my first time trying their meal. My friend and I ordered their lunch special set (2,500 yen)…which came with salad, thin crust pizza, pasta, dessert and coffee. The size of each dishes was perfect and tasted great!! I would definitely try other dishes when I come back!!

  • Aditri Biswas

    Aditri Biswas


    Great ambience. A little on the pricier side. Most people praise the coffee at latte graphic but I also want to praise their food. I tried their lamb chops and it is super delicious. Best lamb I have eaten around here. The mushroom pizza is truffle flavoured and the combination pairs so well. It’s a must visit for coffee and food.

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