Chigusa Hotel en Kitakyushu

JapónChigusa Hotel


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1-chōme-1-1 Nishihonmachi, Yahatahigashi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 805-0061, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-671-1131
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Latitude: 33.866548, Longitude: 130.800513

comentarios 5

  • 助六マスター



    The parking lot is open, free and easy to access. The hotel is basically a hotel that focuses on wedding venues. Although it is undeniably old, every corner has been cleaned and organized, and I could see that the renovations were done with great care. A plan that includes breakfast and a round-trip ticket to the Sarakurayama Ropeway feels like a good deal. The bed mattress in the room was great. The TV was also large and had high pixels.

  • An Koh

    An Koh


    A great base for places we visited eg The Outlets and Shimonoseki. Though hotel is older and it shows in the room, for it's price and size, we think it is good value for money. We enjoyed the space and size of hotel room. The layout is useful for travellers and hotel provides all essential necessities. Free parking easily available. Hotel lobby is above ground level with limited lots. Plenty of lots at ground level. Refer to map I posted.

  • Blazing Knuckle

    Blazing Knuckle


    Is there bed making handcash job available? Then plz inform me




    The nearest place to stay at in order to visit the Wisteria tunnel in Kawachi, that being said, it's still quite far from Chigusa and on the last stretch there is no bus (even if Google maps displays that there is one it's actually wrong and needs to be corrected) so you will have to walk all along the dam Lake for 45 minutes which is a pleasant walk with many toilets and nice view also many wild wisteria all around. The hotel itself is rather classy if they are probably the wedding Hotel of the area and has very nice and polite service. Room amenities also everything you would need, the energy outlet is inside the desk where you can sit if you have some work to do, however that desk chair is really horrible, they need to replace it, very difficult and painful to sit on it. They have a choice for you to not replace your wedding issue stay two nights or more you will receive a 500 yen coupon that you can use in the hotel and the best usage is to get a cake at their cake shop! You better use it before checking out the next day, since the cake shop opens too late for that. Also they have nice bathtub however I could not find any cosmetics for the ladies that's all probably you have to ask at the front desk, there was no moisturizer or milk which such classy Hotel should have in the room. all in all it was a good choice to stay here at the same price but better than any hotel in front of hakata station. About the Wisteria Corridor Kawachi Park, you really need to book tickets online and be there at 8 when they open if you want to not have people in your pictures. Later on it will be extremely annoying when people constantly block your photo. Also actually it's better if it is cloudy because once the sun shines through, the light that comes will create horrible spots on everybody's faces and you cannot take nice pictures of people with those many dots of light and Shadow on their faces. but the flowers of course are pretty at any time. Also once against shame on Google to display such erroneous information about the bus that does not exist.

  • Kirsten Van

    Kirsten Van


    Beautiful hotel, but poor public transportation to get there. Went there on business and used their private vans for transportation to and from the hotel.

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