Central Naha Post Office in Naha

JapanCentral Naha Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒900-8799 Okinawa, Naha, Tsubogawa, 3-chōme−3−8
kontakte telefon: +81 570-005-396
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 26.205002, Longitude: 127.679752

kommentare 5

  • koji uchida

    koji uchida


    Before the coronavirus, only the central post office was open 24 hours a day, so I was able to get my parcel to Honshu the next day (if I sent it late at night, I would get to Honshu by plane that morning), but after the coronavirus, the opening hours have changed due to measures to prevent crowds. It has remained the same since I reduced it... If we were to reduce crowds, we would have to extend business hours and reduce the number of people visiting, but I think this is a good measure to reduce labor costs. It's like this everywhere and I hate it.

  • Levi Flaman

    Levi Flaman


    I had three large parcels I had to mail home because they wouldn't fit in my suitcases. Even though my Japanese is not very good and I was very reliant on a translation app, the staff were very patient and helpful and I was able to get my parcels sent out.

  • Shu Kawaguchi (Choux8Soutenable)

    Shu Kawaguchi (Choux8Soutenable)


    Functional terminal post office, drop -in desk open 24-7.

  • Alex Alsak

    Alex Alsak


    main office in naha, helpful with postmarks

  • プラント朋子



    The best post office of the world. Who could imagine you were treated like a princess! They sell cute cards etc too.

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