California Hotel i Oyama

JapanCalifornia Hotel



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1291-1 Awanomiya, Oyama, Tochigi 329-0201, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 285-45-4954
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.2813226, Longitude: 139.7802359

kommentar 5

  • もなか



    I was scared of the stairs going up to the room...The bath was like a bath at home. I guess it's okay because it's quick. I don't know about drinks or food because I didn't use it.

  • 西郷隆盛



    The rooms are clean, but the hallways and exterior are in disrepair. The passage is haunted and scary.

  • 飯野知保



    They say you don't have to forget anything at this hotel. I lost it 30 minutes ago. I thought it had already been cleaned so I called immediately. When cleaning I was told there was no But if you clean it Terrier stick in the ashtray Anyone can see that there is I thought you would notice If you go into the same room again There was a cigarette still stuck in the ashtray. If I lose something here I think it's the last It was stolen by another customer.

  • まりボーン



    I know the Saturday rates for Golden Week, but it's weird to have to stay overnight after 0:00 on a Saturday. It's not written anywhere, and the prices and days of the week are different. It would have been nice if they could have called me to confirm whether I was taking a break or staying overnight like they do at other places. I haven't written it yet, but I think it's okay if I don't write it down. Just think it was a waste of money!

  • SA AI

    SA AI


    The customer service of the middle-aged female clerk is good. The interior is stylish and clean and well maintained.

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