Kawagoe Daiichi Hotel i Kawagoe

JapanKawagoe Daiichi Hotel



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Japan, 〒350-0046 Saitama, Kawagoe, Sugawarachō, 7−34
kontakter telefon: +81 49-226-3711
internet side: www.kawagoe-dai1.com
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Latitude: 35.9068984, Longitude: 139.4860481

kommentar 5

  • J TL

    J TL


    Value for money. Clean and great service. There is parking available for a small fee. The hotel is also walking distance from kawagoe station.

  • Christian Richmond

    Christian Richmond


    This establishment is intolerant of allowing guests inside the rented room. Furthermore, attempting to add someone into the room costs an exorbitant amount of money. Buying a room for two is much cheaper than adding someone to a single room. Odd, would they not want the business? Also, the offerings are unfortunately older compared to the competition. The exigency matter here is I have been to various hotels that allows people to visit the rented rooms and even stay over with no hassle. Rectifying this policy would be great.

  • Dier Wang

    Dier Wang


    The room was quite small and with a window sealed. We could not change the room temperature by ourselves but it was still ok - I went there from Singapore in January but did not feel cold in the room. I like that we could take some samples of skincare products downstairs. The breakfast was exceptional. The location is close to train stations and famous streets of Kawagoe. Overall good for the price. Will consider stay there again next time traveling to Kawagoe.

  • Ch Maulani

    Ch Maulani


    Small room. But if you are outside all day long, it doesn't matter. Still convenient after tired day found crisp towel to take a bath and crisp blanket sleep on. Warm room, reasonable price

  • James Brankin

    James Brankin


    Clean, cheap and cheerful. Breakfast was good and the room is what you'd expect for the price. No complaints and would happily stay again.

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