Mobility Resort Motegi i Motegi

JapanMobility Resort Motegi



🕗 åbningstider

120-1 Hiyama, Motegi, Haga District, Tochigi 321-3533, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 285-64-0001
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.531954, Longitude: 140.2253966

kommentar 5

  • aa sa

    aa sa


    I went after the golden week, it was kind of empty, not a lot of people and kids could play the games many times 😁😁😁, however it's smaller than I thought 🤔🤔🤔

  • Mario “TheROFLNinja” Sigit

    Mario “TheROFLNinja” Sigit


    Visited the museum, amazing collection of Honda cars and bikes in the Honda Collection Hall.

  • Shan Arshad

    Shan Arshad


    It's a bit far from Kanagawa but it's soo much better to come here and watch MotoGP than going to Suzuka to watch F1. Highly recommended it to visit here. You can stay in the car if it's camper or rent some room nearby since there are plenty of options to choose from.

  • cheianakaely family

    cheianakaely family


    Over the years we've been here twice, that is how great this place are. From twin ring to mobility resort. If your kids loves to climb, run, jump and glide, even walking the vast hello woods trails just to collect and complete the stamps. Then yes, this is the place. Dekoboko・Sumika・Dokidoki・Itadaki・Hello Woods・Zipline・ The complete experience. Just Wow! 👏

  • Boss



    Came for the Honda thanks day and ordered online the early bird ticket which is slightly cheaper than buying on the day. It includes entry and all you can play entry to the amusement park included the zip line which is a great deal. It's a massive space about 2.5 hours away from Central Tokyo... Great if you can see something such as a race but wouldn't travel here just for the amusement park.

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