
🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒060-0002 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Kita 2 Jōnishi, 4-chōme−1 赤れんがテラス 地下1階
kontakter telefon: +81 11-205-0285
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0640549, Longitude: 141.3509047

kommentar 5

  • Gert Zwingenberger

    Gert Zwingenberger


    Had breakfast here twice already. I enjoyed their simple, yet delicious toasted sandwiches, while my partner had and enjoyed the toast set. Topped it off with their delicious french toast! Venue and staff are great, place is clean and welcoming! Might swing by for a third breakfast before heading off back home

  • Matthew Houston

    Matthew Houston


    The food was pretty good! I got the Breakfast sandwich set with a hot coffee. The price wasn't too bad and the staff was very friendly!

  • Minsik Bae

    Minsik Bae


    We had breakfast menu in the morning. Actually the employee was not that kind. But blend coffee was nice and dishes as well.

  • Ian Gore

    Ian Gore


    Best pancakes I've had in my entire life! But I dont really eat pancakes so I might not be the authority on this, I probably will from now on though. The presentation was perfect and the mini-ice cream was a nice way to finish the meal. All in all, a great place to stop for brunch at a price tag of approximately 1800円.

  • Lok Lok Lok

    Lok Lok Lok


    The brunch set in the morning is super big with lots of potato fries. I am very full for hours after this. The taste is ok. The set also comes with a soup which is no good and so better avoid it.

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