Business super en Ishinomaki

JapónBusiness super



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒986-0868 Miyagi, Ishinomaki, Megumino, 6-chōme−4−12
contactos teléfono: +81 225-23-7117
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.4404915, Longitude: 141.2663607

comentarios 5

  • シャチシャチ



    It's fun to see all kinds of unique products, but it can be difficult to find a parking spot when you go on weekends. I wish it was wider.

  • ぴいこ



    I like Gyomu Super, so I go there often. When I was paying the bill, I happened to open the package and my child ate it, but as if I had guessed that the child was about to open the bag, I opened it and ate it, but at the same time I was told, ``Please do not open the package and eat it. I noticed that someone called out to me and said, ``Please put it on.'' Of course, it is not a good idea to open the package and eat or drink it inside the store. However, as I was about to leave the store, it was pointed out to me that a small child had opened the package alone, and although I regretted it, thinking that I should have kept an eye on the child, I didn't do it out of malice. I felt bad about being warned about this. Well, it's my fault for not looking closely. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • るきぃたぅ



    Above all, the customer service from the store staff is amazing! The products are cheaper than at regular stores, so I buy most of the things here, including things I use for work, and I'm a regular here (lol). Fresh products are also fresh and cheap. One thing I would like to say is that the parking lot is small, so it's always very crowded, and the turnover rate is quite fast, so it gets empty quickly, but I think it would be nice if the parking lot was wider! Thank you, staff, as always!

  • バーガーマニア88



    There are some unusual products There are vegetables and meat too.

  • Hideyori Yamauchi

    Hideyori Yamauchi


    Good selection. 💐 Fresh 🥒🍆Vegetables🥕🍅 and commercial frozen foods. All are available. Items for commercial use in large quantities Yes, but it's cheap. 🍀 specialized spices and Make ends meet by buying in bulk Recommended for those who are good at it 👍 🎪Multiple events, etc. Perfect for searching for ingredients. Chopsticks and packs for events We also have paper plates. This time of year is 🍦 Ice cream Garigari-kun is a bargain. But maybe it will melt before I take it home? it's okay! Free ice Please get it. 💮Yama-chan's handmade in-store Grilled cabbage is cheap and delicious! Freshly baked is the best 👍

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