The Big Tagajo Tsurugaya en Tagajo City

JapónThe Big Tagajo Tsurugaya



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1-chōme-3-6 Tsurugaya, Tagajo City, Miyagi 985-0841, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-361-1601
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2944782, Longitude: 141.0126302

comentarios 5

  • yu soi

    yu soi


    I've been using it for a long time, and it's more organized than before, making it easier to see the products, and it's more spacious, making it easier to shop. It would be nice if the employees noticed the customers more and greeted them cheerfully, which would make the place more lively. Maybe it's because I'm busy and concentrating. The Shiogama store was also like that.

  • ヒロ



    The side dish corner! Karaage general? It doesn't taste good and tastes bad! The previous one was more delicious.

  • トメちゃん



    I always shop at this store I'm doing it🤗🍀 I went shopping yesterday I heard from an employee, Until now, when we were distributing coupons, Only for those who purchased over 1500 yen I was distributing coupons. From now on, it will become a mobile phone app. Distributed from AEON BIC It's called iAEON. Register in the app and select your favorite Open a store and from there every month What day will the coupon be sent to my cell phone? It seems that he has decided to come out. Coupon distribution calendar Paper is hanging from the bagging table. there was. Employees too As I said, just to be sure Look at the paper with your cell phone camera. I thought it might be a good idea to take a picture of it. We are already AEON BIC's Download it to your mobile phone app I was there, so I just took a photo of the paper. Happy coupon distribution day at home! I checked ✅ and confirmed it. Just like before, if you make a purchase over 1,500 yen, you can receive paper coupons. It would be easier if I received it, but Download the app to your mobile phone How to do it is for the elderly I don't think it's gotten any more difficult. I'm afraid. anything I think it's good that it's convenient. Everyone uses mobile phones The only thing I can't do is I want you to understand 🙏 P.S. Thank you for always working hard in the cold. The employees at this store Everyone is kind and has a wonderful smile😊 So, relax and take your time every time. You can go shopping. There are still cold days ahead Please take care of yourself🤗🍀




    I bought ice cream today. The cashier was friendly. Other staff members also greeted me when I met them. I put in 10 yen to buy dry ice, but it wouldn't come out 💦 Only gas 💦 I tried twice and it didn't work, so I told the store clerk and she looked at it right away. After adjusting it, it finally came out. Of course, I gave him 20 yen. Thank you for not making a bad face. The 30 minute journey was fine. Probably the best BIC I've ever been to. Okay, okay ✌️

  • フリードSTAR



    A stable supermarket no matter when you go. Personally, I think it's the best around here. Alcoholic beverages are cheap to purchase, and there are many side dishes. I feel like the customer service at the cash register is well trained. The vegetables look fresh and are cheap. There may be a short line at the cash register on Sundays.

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