Aコープ古川店 / JA全農Aコープ㈱ en Ōsaki

JapónAコープ古川店 / JA全農Aコープ㈱



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-10-36 Furukawa Kitamachi, Ōsaki, Miyagi 989-6171, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 229-23-6520
sitio web: www.acoop-east-t.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.580263, Longitude: 140.9655734

comentarios 5

  • yangas38



    It was supposed to close at 6:30 pm, but it closed at 6:25 pm. Don't you feel like doing business? Don't you want to sell it?

  • 口コミ



    Every time I go, the toilets are broken, but the store itself is neither good nor bad. There are many local products, so it might be a good idea to buy some when you have something to do at the agricultural cooperative. The surrounding area is a residential area, so I think you can get by pretty well. A corps, which you hardly see anymore. I'm expecting more Well, agricultural cooperatives are also said to be the enemy of farmers, so I guess that's not true (lol)

  • Mino Rin

    Mino Rin


    Vegetables are very cheap. It's half price and the lunch box is delicious.

  • ゆでたまご



    I went to buy a bento the other day. I wish things were cheap, but... The staff is the worst! When I was waiting at the cash register (there are 2 cash registers? 2 people working?), even though the payment had been completed, the old woman who worked as a cashier (part-time worker?) was still talking to customers...💢 When I asked, ``Excuse me, could you please pay the bill?'', she replied, ``Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. When I put my things out at the cash register, the customer who had already paid (she was an old lady, so I guess she was my friend) spoke to the cashier, and she gave priority to what she was talking about. I was at a loss, so I paid at the other cash register. (It was a young woman.) At that time, I asked her, ``Isn't what you said earlier wrong? Or maybe I was wrong?'' and she answered, ``The cashier's response was clearly wrong.'' When I finished paying and was putting my purchases in a bag, the old cashier from earlier walked up to me and said, ``We're friends with our neighbors, too. Don't you know that kind of common sense?'' (A young woman immediately stopped me and apologized.) Are you a friend at work? acquaintance? I don't think it's common sense to make other customers wait by saying... Anyway, I felt sick. If I could, I would like to give it a ⭐︎-5💢

  • にゃ



    I think meat and fish are expensive, but vegetables (shipped by farmers) are quite cheap and I think they're fresh. The staff are also nice people and I use them quite often 😊 Sometimes they are half price. Fried tofu, sausages, chikuwa, etc. When I come across them, I buy them and freeze them. Half-price fish is fine, but it might be better to avoid half-price meat (especially chicken) 😉

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