York Benimaru Yamoto en Higashimatsushima

JapónYork Benimaru Yamoto



🕗 horarios

Machiura-135 Yamoto, Higashimatsushima, Miyagi 981-0503, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 225-83-4911
sitio web: yorkbenimaru.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.4232599, Longitude: 141.2150574

comentarios 5

  • はなハナコ



    There were buckets and Styrofoam boxes on the floor all over the supermarket. I haven't counted, but I think there were 10 locations. When I looked up at the ceiling (it was a one-story building with a rooftop parking lot), I saw water seeping out. Although it wasn't raining or snowing when I went there, I was concerned about hygiene since I handle food. Even if it is temporarily closed, renovations will need to be made as soon as possible. There is also a possibility that it may lead to an accident.

  • シロクロ



    The food section is quite large and has a good selection of fresh foods such as fish and meat. In addition to food, there is also a clothing section. There is a parking lot across the road and can accommodate quite a few cars.

  • 雪見だいふく



    I guess you could call him the old York Benimaru. It also has a clothing section and Can Do stores, and is similar in structure to the Kogoda store. There is also a rooftop parking lot, which is rare these days. York-Benimaru has not used it, so there is no evaluation. It was difficult to locate the toilet

  • tomo kenken

    tomo kenken


    I like sushi. I always buy this when there is an event at home.

  • みーゆー



    The side dishes are delicious, and the meat and fish are fresh, so I always use them. Personally, I love sushi.

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