Business Ryokan Futaba i Hiroshima

JapanBusiness Ryokan Futaba


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5-31 Dohashichō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0854, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-294-5474
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Latitude: 34.3930134, Longitude: 132.4480074

kommentar 5

  • ギレン



    I stayed here while touring. I arrived without prior notice with 3 cars, but they went out of their way to free up a parking space for me. We were given a room on the 3rd or 4th floor, but the stairs were very narrow, so it would be quite difficult if you had large luggage. The bath is on the first floor, but it was an old bath in a detached house. If you think about it just for sleeping, it's not particularly inconvenient.

  • 河内聖



    It's tragic. Although it is cheap as a hotel, the level of service and facilities is not even comparable to that of a guest house. I think 3,700 yen per person is a bit unreasonable. There was no elevator, so I took the stairs to get to my room on the 4th floor. The bath is only on the first floor, and there are no air conditioners in the hallway or stairs, so the water will be cold in the winter and sticky with sweat in the summer. In addition, it didn't seem like it was cleaned often, and there was snow on the desk. There is a fishy smell coming from the bathroom. If you're going to stay here, I highly recommend spending another 2,000 to 3,000 yen to stay at a hotel, or stay at a cheaper guesthouse. *Maybe good for grandma's kids. It smells like grandma's house. I have never stayed in such a terrible accommodation facility. It is cheap as a hotel but its services and facilities are not enough even compared with guest house. When we arrived there, the reception lady wasn't at the front desk and we had to wait fifteen minutes to come in our room. The bath amenity was only towel and shampoo. So, we are forced to go out to buy toothbrush to the closest convenience store which takes five minutes to walk. For me, three thousand seven hundred yen is too expensive to stay here. I had to go up and down the stairs between the first floor and my room on the fourth floor without elevator. It reminded me of my high school age. Surprisingly, the bathtub is only on a first floor, and guest rooms are on the third or the fourth floor. And the only guest rooms have air conditioner. It means that you must be sweat in summer and get cold in winter after taking a bath. In addition, it seemed that they hardly clean the facility and the table in my room was covered with dust like snow. The bathroom is shared with guests, of course that is also not cleaned well and it smells like fish. Fortunately, you don't have to move to vomit when you feel sick. It's because toilets are front of you. I recommend that you should pay extra money to stay any other hotel which provides higher quality services or choose guest house which is much cheaper than here. However, the only people who have been close to their grandparents may be satisfied with this hotel. It smells like grandparents' house.

  • 敬一谷川



    A very old inn with a shower on the 3rd floor and a bath on the 1st floor.An old-fashioned inn that you don't see very often these days.

  • A O

    A O


    Good points: Rather than staying at a so-called hotel, it is a Japanese-style room that is not too expensive and is fully functional for the purpose of staying as a family of four, and there is a smile on the face of an aunty, and there are plenty of futons and blankets, so you can enjoy the cold weather. The bathroom is nostalgic and reminiscent of the Showa era. Not so good - aging and broken equipment, lack of organization, and lack of hygiene. ☆I chose three normal ones, but I mean, if you intend to use it as a lodging place, not as a modern ordinary hotel. We do not recommend this to anyone who cannot tolerate the filth inside the facility. The lady who seems to be the owner seems to have a bad foot, and this situation may be due to that.

  • 140chan



    Facilities, services, and reception are not working. There are many surprising things, such as not changing towels and yukata every day, and not cleaning the communal toilet for several days.

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