Hiroshimashi Bunka Koryu Kaikan i Hiroshima

JapanHiroshimashi Bunka Koryu Kaikan


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3-3 Kakomachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0812, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-243-8881
internet side: h-bkk.jp
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Latitude: 34.3887901, Longitude: 132.4489769

kommentar 5

  • Dao



    For the price, what you get is unbelievable. It almost felt too good to be true. Location is great, rooms were clean and the staff was extremely friendly. The hotel is located within the main building which seems to be a huge venue for big events/conferences. When you enter the building, the entrance will be on the right. The staff doesn’t speak much English but you should be fine using a translator app. The location was great, right next to a bus stop that takes you to most of what you’d need in Hiroshima and it’s within walking distance to the major tourist spots like the peace museum, the dome, and a ferry that takes you to Miyajima and back. One thing I would make a note of is that this hotel does have smoking rooms so you want to make sure you’re booking the right rooms. Unfortunately, I accidentally booked a smoking room and for those who aren’t fond of cigarette smell, you should definitely avoid doing this. I was able to manage by blasting the air purifier the hotel provided as well as the AC. It wasn’t ideal but the stay was still good as the room itself was not only spacious for the price, but had a nice view as well. Overall, I would definitely stay here again (in the non smoking rooms of course) and would recommend to anyone thinking of visiting Hiroshima on a budget!

  • Veronica C

    Veronica C


    Comfortable and clean. I would come back! It's very near from Peace Memorial in a park and peaceful area.

  • Bima Pras

    Bima Pras


    Walking distance from Memorial Peace Park and Atomic Bombing Dome. A bit far from downtown area. There Lawson nearby (150 meter) if you crave for a snack at nighttime.

  • Matt Jackson

    Matt Jackson


    Nice clean hotel which was really good value. Staff very helpful despite my rudimentary Japanese attempts :) Small rooms with en suite bathroom but nice and high up with a good view.

  • Paula D'Urbano

    Paula D'Urbano


    Very good standard hotel. Bed was comfortable, bathroom ok, and staff friendly and had air con. Price also reasonable for Japan. Perfect for, in our case, a one night stay. Has all you need. Location is just right besides the Hiroshima A-Bomb memorials. It's only a short bus away from Hiroshima Station.

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