Toyoko Inn Hiroshima Station South Exit Right i Hiroshima

JapanToyoko Inn Hiroshima Station South Exit Right


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1-26 Noborichō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0016, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-502-1045
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.396783, Longitude: 132.4682527

kommentar 5

  • William M

    William M


    Amazing value for it's price. It's a 10 minute walk to Hiroshima station and within walking distance to the peace park (20 mins ish). Free breakfast in the morning which has a decent selection

  • A Scott

    A Scott


    Pros: location was good. Restaurants in the area are good. Cons: distance to trains were not great.

  • Amruta Deshpande

    Amruta Deshpande


    This hotel is perfectly located if you are short on time. This is at a walking distance from the Hiroshima station, Hiroshima castle and Peace memorial. All quite accessible. When I say walking distance it's usually quite a bit in Japan but its possible. You can easily take a city bus or a taxi too. I could cover Miyajima and the above list of Hiroshima attractions in a day. Moreover the staff was supportive, and the breakfast was quite good, even for a vegitarian person like me. I totally recomend this hotel.

  • Bayu Priyambadha

    Bayu Priyambadha


    Booked, confirmed and paid via Agoda then unfortunately there are no room available when check in, really disappointed 😞

  • Oiproks Nemo

    Oiproks Nemo


    We were given a smokers room. We gently asked to change it as I'm allergic and my GF couldn't stand the smell. We were given deodorants spray. Never again.

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