Big House en Higashihiroshima

JapónBig House



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1240-1 Kurosechō Maruyama, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-2612, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 823-82-7788
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.324373, Longitude: 132.675205

comentarios 5

  • sennin kame

    sennin kame


    I think the items are reasonably cheap. The vegetables are fresh and the advertised items are cheap. Sweets are also pretty cheap. Some drinks are cheap too. They also have a time service, so if you go at that time, it will be special. The air conditioner is working pretty well. It's almost cold (lol) Sometimes baked sweet potatoes are also sold at the entrance.

  • ケンサムけんぱにぃ



    Ice cream is half price, and the discount rate increases depending on the number of items purchased, so it's a good system for people who want to buy a lot. A lot of locals come here and it's always busy. There are also plenty of side dishes.

  • かんくろ



    Since it's a Fujisan discount store, the product lineup is basically similar to Fujisan's. If you buy multiple items of the same item, the price per item will be cheaper. However, I don't think it's that cheap.

  • 稗田員也



    Prices are getting higher now...the prices of the products here are about the same as those of Izumi in the neighborhood! In that case, I'm concerned about the customer service attitude of the store staff, but again... there's no energy at all... they just carry the products normally... I don't think that's the way to go! I think we need to make people think that we're doing our best, that we're lively, by saying ``Welcome'' cheerfully, and making them think that we'll come back again... ...Right now...the only one that is lively is "Ebu" (lol) I can see the future~😱

  • os colorful

    os colorful


    The prices are a little higher than Every or Drug Store, but they have a wide selection of daily necessities. There were many types of alcohol. I like that you can use credit cards. There were quite a lot of products in the bread section that were about to expire. Maybe it's not selling very well? Even though the expiration date was on the same day, the discount was 30%, so I thought I'd give it a 50% discount.

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