Manso en Higashihiroshima




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248-2 Takayachō Hiyama, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-2105, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-439-0600
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.4405686, Longitude: 132.7647422

comentarios 5

  • Kira



    The staff's response is good! You may have different tastes, but it has a homely feel and is easy to shop in. The products are also reasonably priced, which I am grateful for. Vegetables are also cheap, but they can be hit or miss, so you'll need to be a good judge! ! Thank you for your continued support for the last Manso in Higashihiroshima 🙇

  • 宏三間



    I use it often because it's easy to find the location of the product I'm looking for, and I can shop very easily.

  • かめっくすKamex



    A cheap shop with a somewhat Showa-era atmosphere. I like it.

  • mam mam

    mam mam


    I think it's cheap overall. However, the perilla leaves had turned black and the vegetables were quite dirty. There are some beautiful vegetables. I bought frozen fried rice today, and when I opened it when I got home, there was a lot of frost. I think the product management is very poor. The private conversations of the women at the cash register are amazing. Is it part time until noon when we talk endlessly while walking, even though it's right in front of us? The women came out from inside in plain clothes and chatted as they shopped. It's really free and amazing.




    Can get whole set of groceries at reasonable price. Also has 💯 yen shop inside

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