Fujisan Yasuura Shopping Center en Kure

JapónFujisan Yasuura Shopping Center



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-4-7 Yasuurachō Uchinoumiminami, Kure, Hiroshima 737-2519, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 823-84-6565
sitio web: www.k-fujisan.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2786254, Longitude: 132.7363819

comentarios 5

  • 伊藤美由紀



    The product may or may not be available A little inconvenient Even 100 yen stores don't have many products. Leave the missing items as they are. Because I don't do anything inconvenience I bought a lunch box and went home. The tape is not securely attached. When I got home, the lid was empty. It was spilling Tape the lid tightly What happens if you don't do it?

  • 正田



    One of the few local supermarkets in Yasuura with a wide selection of products♪

  • 矢沢永吉



    Fujisan's store-bought mentaiko is delicious and the seared bonito is fresh, so I buy it sometimes. I think Fujisan is generally cheap considering they sell fresh fish, meat, and vegetables.

  • 垣内佳子



    I always use it 😄There are many restaurants for side dishes, but I think this is the most delicious ♥ I love Unohana, Kinpira, and Hijiki 💕🤗💕

  • さすらいぴーぴゅい



    After the heavy rains in western Japan, there were no competing stores, and there was no accent in the product lineup, and customers were flowing to Kurose and Kawajiri.

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