A coop Kumanodanchi en Kumano

JapónA coop Kumanodanchi



🕗 horarios

1-20 Higashiyama, Kumano, Aki District, Hiroshima 731-4226, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-854-0362
sitio web: acoop-nishinihon.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.329386, Longitude: 132.567647

comentarios 5

  • ベビーリーフ



    There are local vegetables, vegetables not sold in supermarkets, and Daiichi Fresh. It will last a long time in the refrigerator. The meat is expensive, but it's delicious and I think the fish is also good.

  • 安田政義



    Many of the shoppers are elderly people from the neighborhood. The large supermarket is located a little far away, making it difficult to shop on foot. A Corp is expensive I think prices have always been high, regardless of the recent rise in prices. Considering the above circumstances, I think that companies should make more efforts.

  • ひろしまみどりこ



    I often use the farm-fresh vegetables corner on the left side of the entrance. Fresh, small portioned vegetables are available in just the right amount and easy to use. I also buy rice from this corner. There is a 3 kg bag and the food will be gone in about 2 weeks for two people, and it will be gone while it is still fresh. They also have small packs of meat, and the fish and meat are fresh. What I would like to see improved is that the type of bread is always the same and doesn't change much.

  • res desu

    res desu


    A bit pricey but it's near my house and it's convenient.

  • 恋愛



    At the entrance, there are freshly picked vegetables every morning, so you can buy very fresh vegetables. They sell fresh seasonal vegetables and rare items that aren't sold anywhere else, so it's a lot of fun. Although the price is a little high, the meat is domestically produced and very clean, so you can buy it with confidence.

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