浜名湖わんわんパラダイスホテル w Hamamatsu




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Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
260-1 Kanzanjichō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-1209, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 50-5443-6483
strona internetowej: izumigo.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7642048, Longitude: 137.6277961

komentarze 5

  • やす姉ぇ



    I stayed with my two dogs and my parents for two nights and three days. In addition to my room, I was able to walk my dog ​​around the floor and lobby, and I was also able to take my dog ​​with me to the dining hall, so it was great to be able to spend two days with him without worrying about being around others. I was able to take a walk around the hotel in the morning and evening, and it was a nice and relaxing walk that was different from usual. The tatami mats in the room were not made of grass and it felt a little old, but it was enough to spend time with the dogs. I ordered a surprise cake for my parents' wedding anniversary, and it was served at the perfect time at the end of the meal, and the staff also congratulated me. The front desk staff also greeted the dogs. It felt so good to have that little bit of attention. It was a great hotel to stay with a dog. I still want to use it.

  • Honey



    I'm grateful to be able to eat without being separated from my dog. I often travel alone, and I go on many trips with my dog, but I was able to leave my dog ​​at the front desk for about 10 minutes. I thought it would be hard if you were alone to have to be separated from your dog when taking a bath. We were able to realize that we would find inns and hotels that have rooms with open-air baths. The food is average. It was delicious as usual. I could see the Kanzanji Ropeway and felt it was an easy place to move around. The building felt old.

  • Natchy Ruinard

    Natchy Ruinard


    I think this is a hotel that deserves the highest ranking for those traveling with dogs. Great location right after getting off the Kanzanji Smart IC. It's a shame that pets are not allowed in the neighboring Kanzanji General Park, but just a short drive away is the Kanzanji Onsen town, where you can see a beautiful sunset at Kanzanji Sun Beach. If you drive a little further, you can enter Hamanako Garden Bark with your dog. Although the hotel building cannot be called luxurious, the purpose of staying here in the first place is to have a comfortable and enjoyable time with your dog, so in that sense it is fully functional. There are three dog runs within the facility, one is large enough for large dogs, one is right in front of the building and provides just the right amount of shade, which is great on hot days, and the other is inside the building. It's an indoor dog run, so you can relieve stress even on rainy days. All are covered with artificial turf that is clean and easy on your feet. The room we stayed in was a special room, so it was spacious enough for the dog to run around and relieve stress. Every single piece of equipment is dog-friendly, so you can spend time with your dog with peace of mind. Meals will be taken at the venue. I think some people may want to eat in their room, but I don't have any complaints because I like to separate the places I sleep and the places I eat. It may be difficult to sit with your dog if he has a tendency to bark. There was a large public bath with a nice view, and the open-air bath was refreshing. I think this is a facility with a high level of satisfaction among Wanpara. I will definitely use it again.

  • 大橋毅



    Since our dog came to our house, it was going to be our first sleepover, so we thought about it a lot, but since it looked like it was going to rain that day, we decided to stay at Hamanako Wanwan Paradise, which has an indoor dog run. I looked at the reviews for this hotel and it said it had good reviews and didn't smell like dogs, but I thought it would be impossible for it to be odorless, so I tried to put up with the smell, but when I entered the hotel... I was really impressed that there was no dog smell from the front desk to the elevator to the guest rooms! The inside of the hotel was kept clean, from the guest rooms to the public spaces, and I felt that the staff were of a higher quality than other hotels. During my stay, I saw the employees cleaning the hallways and dog run several times, and I was satisfied with the stay. Both dinner and breakfast were plentiful and delicious. As mentioned above, there is an indoor dog run next to the front desk, an outdoor dog run next to the entrance, and a large outdoor dog run a little further away, so dogs were happy. When you return from the dog run, there are wet towels and pet wipes for wiping your dog's body, and a poop disposal box at the hotel entrance, much to the pet owners' satisfaction. The hotel was originally a hot spring inn that had been bought without a room, so it was a human-friendly inn with nice indoor baths and open-air baths for men and women. There is an indoor smoking room in one corner of the lobby, which is convenient for smokers. It was my first trip with a dog, but it was a very satisfying trip!

  • mira kawai

    mira kawai


    Everything’s was new inside as they change the name of the hotel and it’s a very pet friendly. Staffs are very accommodating, facility is very clean and food is delicious too. The view of the lake from the room is very relaxing. I love the ofuro although it’s simple, they have rotemburo too.There’s a zoo across the street. Amusement park is just 2 minutes drive and there’s an Onagi restaurant where you can eat with your dog. We wanted to stay longer but they’re fully booked. We will definitely come back.

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