Baba Memorial Hospital en Sakai

JapónBaba Memorial Hospital


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4-chōme-244 Hamadera Funaochōhigashi, Nishi Ward, Sakai, Osaka 592-8341, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-265-5558
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Latitude: 34.5471832, Longitude: 135.4627273

comentarios 5

  • 阿野嘉久



    This hospital doesn't give enough explanations about everything, and even when I asked where to wait, there was no clear explanation.When I was waiting around, I knew my name was being called somewhere, but my name was called twice. I was called and I haven't been called since then, and I was told to go back to where I was earlier, so I went into the room and said to the nurse, ``My name was called somewhere, is it okay for me to come here?'' I asked a question, and the answer was, ``Where did you get called?'' ``Where did you get called?'' ``Where did you get called?'' I guess I got excited and started repeating the words in a loud voice. , other nurses and doctors came out and were treated as suspicious. Due to lack of sleep and poor health, I became short-tempered and, to put it simply, I complained loudly and was banned from leaving. Later, when I was asked to interview an administrative person, I asked, ``Who called my name after all?'' and the answer was, ``It was from room 5, but I don't know the details.'' there was. However, I was waiting in front of room number 5 and was not called from there. First, I was called to room number 5, then I went to room 1, then to number 3, then to the X-ray room, and when I asked in the X-ray room, "Where should I wait next?" I returned to the original location. I was given vague instructions to go back to room 5, and I thought room number 1 or 3 would be more likely, but I ended up waiting because there was an open space in front of room number 5 that was easy for me to wait in a wheelchair. In response to the question, ``I heard your name called somewhere, is it okay to call here?'', they keep asking you questions that you can't really answer, such as ``Where did you call me?'' For some reason, the doctors and other nurses treated me like a bad guy even though I didn't know anything about it, so I got irritated and complained, but the hospital's response Considering the severity of the response, I couldn't help but be surprised that there was no apology from the nurses or doctors, and that they were the only ones to be blamed. It was a hospital with very low ratings to begin with, but this was the first time I had ever been to a hospital that was this bad. I recommend that you never go to this hospital, where the circulation is very poor, there is almost no place for a wheelchair to wait, and there is always insufficient explanation.

  • はつ



    I don't want to give even one star. I suddenly lost consciousness, so I was taken to the emergency room, and since no abnormality was found in my brain, I was examined without any intention of examining the patient. There were also insults such as, ``It's just an assumption that you're going to lose consciousness.'' I get the impression that they have no awareness of human rights or morals.

  • カレー心



    Three years ago, I had an accident falling down the stairs and suffered a cervical spine injury. He suffered severe nerve damage and a compression fracture of his spine, and was taken by ambulance and immediately admitted to the ICU room. Dr. Kawano performed the surgery on my cervical vertebrae, and he saved me from a serious injury that would have left me paralyzed from the neck down. I did my best in rehabilitation, and I was warned not to run because the ligament damage in my left ankle would stretch and heal completely. During the surgery, they also discovered that I had a nationally designated intractable disease in my neck. I go for MRI scans regularly. Thank you for your continued support.

  • ma



    The only good thing was that I had to wait for 4 hours and had major aftereffects on my brain, but my life was saved. The only word I can say is "disappointment". What do you think about human life? I felt like everything the doctors and nurses said and did was sloppy. Basically, it's probably because there aren't enough people and it's busy. If you instruct a patient's family, ``Please come 20 minutes early for an appointment at ○,'' please start using Muntera at the appointed time. We don't have time to make people wait for an hour. There was no apology for making me wait. They kept asking me if I understood, but they didn't listen to me. Just say what you want to say and leave the room. Very rude as a person. Even though I tested positive for the coronavirus due to an in-hospital infection, when I was discharged from the hospital, I received the following payment: ``This is a normal bill (approximately 40,000 yen).The part that says ``This infection'' is for the coronavirus treatment ( It's just over 80,000 yen),'' he said casually. It's a strange story. I don't think there is any point in limiting visitation to twice a week since there is no distinction between clean and unclean hospital rooms. Rather than trying to prevent infections from outside, I would like people to be careful about infections within the hospital by properly separating cleanliness and uncleanness within the hospital. In the end, even though I was told that I would be discharged from the hospital after lunch, I was sent home before noon, saying, ``There will be no lunch.'' There are too many others to mention. I want people to think carefully about whether they want to treat their parents, siblings, spouse, and children in the same way as the patients in front of them!

  • ans S

    ans S


    I was taken care of in an emergency room, and I was told that they specialize in symptoms related to the brain, but the doctor explained that there was no particular problem and that it was a temporary problem, and that I should just cut back on alcohol. That same night, I went to another hospital for emergency treatment, but the result was that I had suffered a cerebral infarction. At those hospitals, symptoms often appear at different times, and it is said that this is the time when you must be most careful. Even though the symptoms are present, there is no guidance on how to treat them. I had doubts about the hospital's ability to explain and take responsibility.

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