Bell-land General Hospital en Sakai

JapónBell-land General Hospital



🕗 horarios

500-3 Higashiyama, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8247, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-234-2001
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.5179715, Longitude: 135.5080433

comentarios 5

  • オレンジ



    Thank you for your help during my gynecological surgery. I was hospitalized for a week, but I am grateful to the doctors, nurses, and everyone else involved. The postoperative course was uneventful, and I was able to return to my daily life without any problems. The ward was bright and clean, and the food was delicious.

  • 桃野俊之



    I called an ambulance because I had an acute myocardial infarction, and they took me in here. After I got in the ambulance, the paramedics called the hospital to apply for admission, but since they often talked about how they would be transferred due to the coronavirus, I was worried when I listened, but I was relieved when they accepted me on the first call. There was a rehabilitation room, Tsuya, and a convenience store inside the hospital, so I was able to recover comfortably.

  • お気楽喜楽



    My mother was hospitalized for esophageal cancer surgery, and I was taken care of! The doctor, who was a woman, said it was a difficult and difficult operation, but she saved my mother's life! Thanks to all of you, I will be discharged from the hospital safely today! The nurses in the ICU were all very kind and pleasant people, and I would like to thank them for graciously accommodating my unreasonable request even though they had traveled from the countryside! I hope that the hospital will continue to play an active role as a hospital that cares for the illnesses and feelings of many people. Thank you for your help! thank you very much!

  • S Lui

    S Lui


    This is the worst hospital! ! ! I wanted a palliative care ward. But things like visiting hours and whether I can sleep over. I wonder if it will have to metastasize within a month or so. I called because I wanted to ask you a lot of questions. I have to get examined and have the procedure done. I can not answer it. It was said. I called about 10 hospitals and asked about it, and they all answered politely. Only here it was different! Why do you say such mean things? I think. Is it okay to choose a hospital even for palliative care? It's scary that you only know once you're inside. I felt darkness. It's a mean hospital

  • パパ一児



    Sorry for the weird Japanese. The other day, my wife gave birth at Berland's obstetrics and gynecology department! First of all, in conclusion, it was the best obstetrics and gynecology department! The kindness of the midwife was amazing. She was there to support me during my birth! After giving birth, she came to my room every 3 hours and helped me breastfeed and feed my baby! every time! ! ! She also made milk and brought it to me every time. Have you ever had any trouble? He also asked me things like, Obstetrics and gynecology! They were very kind! The rice, eel, yakiniku, and celebration meal were all gorgeous! It may be a little more expensive than other obstetrics and gynecology departments, but Because she supports mom, It was very good! I think Bellland is a great option for people who are about to become parents or mothers! absolute!

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