NHO Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center en Sakai

JapónNHO Kinki-Chuo Chest Medical Center



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1180 Nagasonechō, Kita Ward, Sakai, Osaka 591-8025, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-252-3021
sitio web: kcmc.hosp.go.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.5704069, Longitude: 135.5031298

comentarios 5

  • sho sho

    sho sho


    My father was hospitalized here, and he said several times how kind the nurses and doctors were. The nurses were kind when I visited them. Thank you very much for your help.




    The nurse on the ward didn't realize that I had brought the wrong medicine by mistake until I pointed it out, and by the time I pointed it out, another patient had taken the medicine that I was supposed to take, and then the nurse said, Without saying a word, I went to the nurse's station to get the medicine I was supposed to take, and without a word, they handed it to me. After that, there was no apology whatsoever. I remember the nurse's name and face. The second time I realized I had made a mistake with the medicine was a year or two later, when I asked them to bring it to me without the shell, but they brought it to me with the shell on, and I said, ``This is wrong.'' But that's true, I said, reading out the alphabet on the medicine, and the nurse turned pale and hurriedly disappeared into thin air. They were probably giving my medicine to other patients. The drug was for an incurable disease. The medicine they brought me by mistake was Magmit, a stool softening medicine. It's totally different though. There has been no formal apology from the hospital in this case either. Most of the patients who are entrusted with their medicine are unable to manage it themselves, so even if they are given the wrong medicine, they probably take it without realizing it and the problem goes away. It's a horrible hospital. What's more, the documents given to you when you leave the hospital are full of errors. If it's incorrect information, it's better not to have it. His father's name is wrong, he says son instead of brother, he writes the name of a disease that neither my family nor I have ever explained to him, and he points out other mistakes over and over again every time he is hospitalized. However, it has not been corrected yet. Even if I say I'm going to correct it now, it's best to leave it until next time, and it hasn't been done yet. In the end, they say it's not an important document, so why do you give it to them every time? I want to give zero stars

  • Clementour



    Marker position corrected You can safely come to the Kinki Central Respiratory Center using the current marker location as a navigation.

  • ノンちゃん



    When I was working at the National Hospital Organization Kinki Central Chest Disease Center, my mother was rushed to the hospital with suspicion of tuberculosis. I remember being surprised that, although it was a prefabricated building, it was equipped with a large smoking area, considering that it specialized in lung diseases (Kazuichi). Even on the floor called the isolation ward for tuberculosis patients, the entrances and exits were open and visitors were free (lol). The hospital room is very small, with two beds in a single room, and personal items such as clothes have to be kept in a storage case tucked under the bed. It must have been difficult for patients who were unable to get up. The ultimate is parking The parking lot facing the road had been renovated with asphalt pavement and an entrance gate, but that was the staff parking lot, and patients and visitors were forced to park in the unpaved parking lot in the back. As a result, it was not confirmed that he had tuberculosis, so he was discharged from the hospital immediately.

  • えすわい



    Thank you for your help with pneumonia. I was in trouble and it was getting worse and worse. After being admitted to the hospital, my condition improved and I was discharged. I would like to thank the attending doctors and nurses for taking good care of me while I was in the hospital. I think it's a very good hospital. Reviews have expressed dissatisfaction with the staff. It's a big hospital, so there may be some people like that. Everyone I interacted with was good.

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