Asajirou Amyupurazanagasakiten in Nagasaki

JapanAsajirou Amyupurazanagasakiten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒850-0058 Nagasaki, Onouemachi, 1−1 アミュプラザ長崎 4F
kontakte telefon: +81 95-818-3356
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.7516166, Longitude: 129.8703679

kommentare 5

  • Nよんちゃん



    I went on a Sunday during summer vacation. It was fully booked🈵️. I was shown to a table on the second floor, and ordered draft beer, assorted sashimi, warm egg salad, edamame, and other things. The overall taste is strong. The drinks go well (lol). It's a fairly large izakaya, but all the staff were smiling and I thought it was great.

  • David Wong

    David Wong


    It's in Amu plaza 本館 5th floor. Very easy to find and price is good. They offer English menu with really friendly staff. The tempura and sashimi bento is great.

  • ヨッシー



    My wife and I entered the store around 7:20pm on Saturday. Just by looking at the bustle inside the store, I was convinced that this restaurant was definitely delicious. Order draft beer, assorted sashimi, fried food, and skewers ``Delicious'' is the best! A word from my wife (smile) I traveled from Tokyo to Nagasaki and had fond memories of the deliciousness of the ate, the attentiveness of the staff, and the wonderful customer service. thank you

  • Shannon Mulder

    Shannon Mulder


    This city is just amazing and Marriott Nagasaki is outstanding.

  • leo gaga

    leo gaga


    Just fair

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