Steak Keiten in Nagasaki

JapanSteak Keiten



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Japan, 〒850-0861 Nagasaki, Edomachi, 2−31 ソレイユ出島 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 95-822-2295
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.7440492, Longitude: 129.8739426

kommentare 5

  • Antolin Mendoza

    Antolin Mendoza


    Got the special steak lunch and it was good. The meat was soft and tender. Next time I definitely have to give Nagasaki Wagyu a try. The owner speaks english as well so foreigners are very welcome.

  • Josh Kalish

    Josh Kalish


    From soup to nuts, this place is a must! Mr. Matsumoto and his wife are excellent hosts. Speaking some Japanese probably helps, but you can easily get by wit the great English menu and wine list. The wine we had was well-priced and magnificent. (2015 Loudenne) From the get-go; the aji sashimi appetizer was fantastic, the soup was divine. The huge prawn was cooked and seasoned perfectly. The simple salad has a sublime corn dressing that I will endeavor to replicate myself and serve at my own steak restaurant! Then the beef… just wonderful. I must say, if you want that classic wagyu, luxurious mouthfeel, then, by all means, go all out for the A5; which I did. But I own and operate a Yakiniku restaurant in another part of Japan, serving A5 Ishigaki beef all day. Here, I was envious of my girlfriends A3 filet. It’s still plenty tender, but has a pronounced beefy flavor and texture that I have missed all these years serving the higher rank, higher fat-content cuts. Dessert was flambéed banana in brandy with ice cream and chocolate sauce. Light and delicious. Thank you again, Mr. and Mrs. Matsumoto!!

  • Kim Kjeldbjerg

    Kim Kjeldbjerg


    Super atmosphere in this place. Exceptional meat. You get what you pay for here so do not expect it to be cheap.

  • nizora



    牛かつ敬天 Popular among locals, tourists would easily miss this teppanyaki restaurant. Visited the restaurant three times, would certainly revisit if I ever come back to Nagasaki. Forget your bento lunch, try the most affordable teppanyaki here, you will surely be back!!

  • Christopher Cunningham

    Christopher Cunningham


    I've been coming here (including previous location) for about 13 years now. Still one of my favorites. Nagasaki Wagyu beef, abalone, outstanding. Seasonal soups and salad are always great. Personal service. There's not a thing not to love.

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