Umaya Nagasakiten in Nagasaki

JapanUmaya Nagasakiten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒850-0058 Nagasaki, Onouemachi, 1−1 アミュプラザ長崎 5F
kontakte telefon: +81 95-808-1512
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.7513714, Longitude: 129.8709182

kommentare 5

  • Caroline Lee

    Caroline Lee


    It is a restaurant in the daytime (not just an izakaya) and they do offer lunch menu. You can find beef tongue and tampura sets with rice and soba.

  • Michelle Maczka

    Michelle Maczka


    It's alright, but I don't know that I'd come back. Price is fair for the area, being that it's in the mall at the main train station. We ordered edamame, chicken nanban, chicken hearts, and the cheese-pork grilled skewers. They were out of negima which I was really hoping for. The cheese and pork skewers had way too much cheese in them, they were not that enjoyable. I suggest ordering one per two people, because just half a skewer is more than enough. They also have Japanese basil in them, which I'm personally not a fan of. The pork outside was the best part! Husband had no complaints about the chicken hearts, and I enjoyed the chicken nanban. Service was OK, but we got caught in an awkward Japanese - English limbo with our waiter.

  • Chih Tung Liu

    Chih Tung Liu


    Good price, and so delicious!




    Stayed at APA Apartment. Usually visited Amu Plaza 5th floor for lunch and dinner at this Horse restaurant ( Uma ya ) for spicy soba or udon. It was very Yummy. The better place for noodles.

  • YewJin Lee

    YewJin Lee


    The beef tongue was rather hard but my stewed pork was cooked Chinese style and was soft. Red bean dessert was good; good presentation and yummy

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